47 Miscellaneous Questions

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Fatwa ID: 02130

Answered by Ustadha Umme Abdullah


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful



1) According to the Hanafi madhab, if I were to say the basmalah after the Fatiha in the third rakaat of Maghrib by mistake, should I do the prostration of forgetfulness or is the prayer still valid?

The prayer will be valid.


2) Are you allowed to say bismillah before wudhu but naked as for ghusl?

One should abstain from reciting duas and athkaar in the bathroom. It may be recited in the heart and not verbally, or it may be recited before one enters the bathroom.


3) I prayed my prayers out loud for Zuhr and Asr, should I repeat them?

No, the prayer will be valid, however, it is wajib to recite quietly in the quiet prayers. [1]


4) What exactly is said out loud in the loud prayers when praying alone i.e. for Fajr, Magrib and Isha?

One should read out loud (to the minimum that one can hear himself) as you would when praying in congregation.


5) If I pray my loud prayers [fajr, maghrib and isha] all quietly, do I lose any blessings? Is this sunnah muakkadah to do?

When praying the loud prayers alone, it is permissible to read quietly or out loud, though the latter is superior for men. [1]


6)  Is it ok to say bismillah in a toilet where there is the toilet on the ground, but you know there is no najas present?

One should abstain from reciting dua and athkaar in such a place even if there is no impurity present.

7) Is reciting dua at the end of salah an emphasized Sunnah or a recommended sunnah?

It is an emphasised Sunnah that has been established from many reliable hadeeth sources. (Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya p202/v2 zam zam publishers)


8) What to recite and what to say silently when leading a group in salah in quiet and loud prayers?

When leading the loud prayers:

The Imam will say takbeer tahreema out loud, thana ta’awwuz, basmalah will be recited softly, followed by the recitation of surah Fatiha and a surah out loud.

The takbeer when moving posture will be recited out loud.

Tasmee’ (Sami Allahu liman hamidah) will be recited out loud. It is mustahab and more virtuous for the imam to recite tahmeed (rabbana wa lakal hamd). (Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyyah p284/v2 zam zam publishers)

Tahiyyat, durud and dua will be recited softly, followed by saying the salaam out loud.


When leading the quiet prayers:

The imam will recite everything softly, besides; takbeerat, tasmee’ and salaam.

9) What is meant by remaining motionless between movements in prayers? For example, when between movements, you are not exactly motionless as you are reciting something?

‘Motionless’ means the body must remain still for the duration of reciting one SubhanAllah

10) When prostrating, all my toes are not pointing to the qibla. Is this sunnah muakadah that all the toes should be pointing to the qibla?

It is necessary that the toes face the qibla during salaah.

11) When saying takbir, should we say it aloud or in a whisper, when in jamaat and when alone?

Loud enough to hear oneself.

12) Is making zikr during wudu sunnah muakdah or mustahab?


13) Is brushing the teeth during wudu sunnah muakdah or mustahab?

Miswak is Sunnah during wudhu.

14) Is Praying not wearing respectable clothes an adab or sunnah muakadah?

It is makruh to pray in clothes that one would dislike to go out in.


15) How do you wash the body three times in ghusl? Please could you explain in detail?

Begin washing the body with cleaning the private parts, thereafter wash any impurities from the body, make wudhu and pass water over the whole body thrice. Water should be passed over each body part thrice.

16) Is wiping the ears and neck in wudu sunnah muakadah or Mustahab? What is the sunnah way to perform the wiping of the ears?

Masah of ears is Sunnah and neck is mustahab.

17) Also when wiping the head in wudu do we wipe over the head then wipe again by bringing the hands back over, or do we just wipe over the head 
once without passing over again?

The fingers will be bought back again over the head.

18) How to wipe over valid foot gear in wudu?

Wet both the hands. Use the right hand for the right foot and the left hand for the left foot. Wipe on the upper surface of the foot, starting from the toes wipe up to the ankles.

19) Sometimes a bit of blood comes out of my knees when praying due to rough skin. Is this blood najas even though when I look at the blood it is a 
very small amount and is not flowing?

The blood will have to be flowing in order to break wudhu.

20) I have been told that to end a prayer one must simply look to the right shoulder and say 'As salamu alaykum' is this correct?

It is wajib to end the salaah by saying salaam to the right and left.

21) I have been told when saying salam in jamaat, you must look to the right shoulder, then look to the end of the row, then the same when giving salams looking to the left-hand side?

When making salaam, one should look to ones shoulder.

22) When getting up from reading the tashahud I use my hands to get up, and when going down I first place my hands on the floor before sajdah. Is this makrooh?

When going down in sujud, the knees must be placed on the ground first, followed by the hands, followed by the forehead and nose. One should not take support from the ground without an excuse. [2]

23) Is it ok to pray alone when you can see a jamaat taking place?

Yes, however, it’s more virtuous to join the Jamat.

24) 'Using miswak is sunnah muakadah, so not using it is sinful.' Is this statement correct?

Using miswak during wudhu is Sunnah, not using it will not make one sinful.

25) Is it ok to do wudu while the azaan is being given?

Yes, however, it is more virtuous to avoid being occupied during adhan and reply to it.
(Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakaraiyyah, p114/v2 zam zam publishers)


26) When praying witr, do we say 'bismillah hiraman nir raheem' before reading Dua Qunoot?



27) Is it ok to pray before the azaan has been given? For example, in a Muslim country, for zuhr the azaan is given much after the start time for zuhr?

Yes, as long as the time for salaah has set in.

28) How to give the azaan and iqamah?

Stand facing the qibla, place the index fingers in the ears and in a loud voice recite the words of azaan. Iqamah is to repeat the wordings of azaan before fardh salaah with the addition of 'qad qamatis salaah' after 'hayya alal falaah'. [3]

29) In sujood is it ok for the wrists to touch the knees?

The hands should be placed between the head in salaah, and the arms must be raised and not touch the ground.

30) If I accidentally read a surah in fardh naamaz in the 4th rakaat, is this omitting a wajib and should I do forgetful prostrations?

It is makruh to read a surah in the third and fourth rakat, however, it will not necessitate sajda sahw.

31) If I accidentally read a bit of durood after the first sitting what should I do?

Perform sajda sahw.

32) Praying with the buttons of my shirt undone so the chest is a bit visible. Is this makrooh and what is the evidence?

The first button can be kept undone, however, it must be borne in mind that one is standing in front of Allah swt so modesty and humility must be adopted.

33) I read in 'The Laws of Salah' that praying in a pyjama, kurta or tehband invalidates your salah. Is this correct?

The salaah will not be invalidated, however, it is not proper to pray in such clothes.

34) I read in 'The Laws of Salah' that praying with a shirt but your chest is showing is makrooh tanzeehi. Is this correct?

Please refer to the above answer.

35) If I had prayed with garments below the ankles, do I need to repeat the salah as I read that this is makrooh?

The salaah will not have to be repeated, however, it is makruh to pray with garments below the ankles.

36) I know that omitting a wajib in salah makes it wajib to make that prayer up, and if you miss a sunnah a muakdah then it is mustahab to make it up, 
but what about praying and making the salaah makruh does this require making the salah up?

It does not have to be repeated.

37) I read that if you were to invoke Allah or remember Him, whether in Arabic or in one's own language, unless a prescribed invocation given in the Qur'an or Hadith, is made inadvertently at a time where it is not meant to be made – this renders the Prayer void. Is this true as I sometimes say 'Allah hu akbar' in different positions if I read it late between movements?

Sajda sahw will have to read if an act of salaah is being displaced.

38) To ignore or miss one or more of the Wajib parts of the prayer unintentionally, and failing to perform Sajdah Sahw – this would make the prayer invalid. Is this true?

One should repeat such a salaah where he missed sajda sahw.

39) Reciting always one and the same Surah in the prayer – would this make the prayer makrooh tanzeehi?

Yes, it is makruh to fix a surah in salaah.

40) From the 'Seekers Guidance' pdf, it says the necessary and sunnah acts and what if they are omitted? Necessary – left valid but unsound, rectify within time. Sunnah – left valid and sound, but lost reward, no rectification. So if I missed out the thana, as this is sunnah muakdah to recite, is this ok?

Praying thana is Sunnah. If one did not read it out of forgetfulness, the salaah will be valid and neither will sajdah sahw have to be performed. However, one will be sinful if he makes it a habit and misses it out intentionally.                                                        (Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyyah p 152/v2 zam zam publishers)

41) A shaykh said in his speech that if you omit a wajib action you must finish the prayer, then repeat it within the time, otherwise not to makeup 

Yes, if the time for salaah expires, it should not be repeated.

42) My uncle was drinking a can of a beer and as I was leaving his house, he hugged me. Can I assume that his hands were clean and no najas passed onto 
my clothes even though he was holding a can of beer which is najis?

If there is no trace of impurity on ones clothes, he should assume it is pure.


43) How should one read behind the imam in loud prayers? Please could you give me a detailed list?

He should say the Takbir Tahrima (Allahu Akbar) immediately after the imam says it and recite the Thanaa’ (Subhaanakallaahumma wa bihamdika…).: Ta’awwuz (A’uzu billaahi…), Tasmiya (Bismillahi …), Surah Fatiha and other Surahs should be recited by the imam. A muqtadi (the one following the imam) should recite the Takbirs (Allahu Akbar) when going to the different postures, the Tasbih of Ruku’ (Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem) and Sujood (Subhana Rabbiyal A’laa), Tashahhud (Attahiyaatu lillaahi…), Durood (Allaahumma Salli Alaa…), dua after Darood (Rabbanaa Aatinaa…),  Salaam etc. However, when the Imam says the Tasmee’ (Samiallaahu liman hamidah), he should say the Tahmeed (Rabbana lakal hamd) instead.

44) If there is oil on my body and I do ghusl and the oil remains, is my ghusl valid?


45) If before ghusl I take off a plaster but after ghusl I see some of the plaster adhesive has remained. Is the ghusl valid?

In order for ghusl to be valid, the water must reach the skin. If the adhesive does not allow water to flow through and touch the skin, ghusl will not be valid.

46) Doing wudu with oil in the hair – is this ok?


47) When reading the tashahud when lifting the finger should we look at the tip of the finger?

No, during tashahud one should look towards his knees.



Only Allah knows best

Written by Ustadha Umme Abdullah

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



 وجهر الإمام بقراءة الفجر وأوليي العشاءين ولو قضاء والجمعة والعيدين والتراويح والوتر في رمضان والإسرار في الظهر والعصر وفيما بعد أوليي العشاءين ونفل النهار والمنفرد مخير فيما يجهر كمتنفل بالليل

قوله والجهر للإمام) اللام بمعنى على، مثل – {وإن أسأتم فلها} [الإسراء: ٧]- واحترز به عن المنفرد فإنه يخير بين الجهر والإسرار، وقوله والإسرار للكل: أي الإمام والمنفرد، وقوله فيما يجهر ويسر لف ونشر، يعني أن الجهر يجب على الإمام فيما يجهر فيه وهو صلاة الصبح والأوليان من المغرب والعشاء وصلاة العيدين والجمعة والتراويح والوتر في رمضان والإسرار يجب على الإمام والمنفرد فيما يسر فيه وهو صلاة الظهر والعصر والثالثة من المغرب والأخريان من العشاء وصلاة الكسوف والاستسقاء كما في البحر، ولكن وجوب الإسرار على الإمام بالاتفاق، وأما على المنفرد فقال في البحر إنه الأصح وذكر في الفصل الآتي أنه الظاهر من المذهب وفيه كلام ستعرفه هناك

حاشية الطحطاوي علي مراقي الفلاح (ج١\٤٦٩)



ثم رفع رأسه مكبرا للنهوض بلا اعتماد على الأرض بيديه وبلا قعود:

ثم رفع رأسه مكبرا للنهوض" أي القيام بالركعة الثانية "بلا اعتماد على الأرض بيديه" إن لم يكن به عذر "وبلا قعود" قبل القيام يسمى جلسة الاستراحة عند الشافعي سنة

حاشية الطحطاوي علي مراقي الفلاح (ج١\١٠٧)



ويكبر في أوله أربعا ويثني تكبير آخره كباقي ألفاظه ولا ترجيع في الشهادتين والإقامة مثله ويزيد بعد فلاح الفجر الصلاة خير من النوم مرتين وبعد فلاح الإقامة قد قامت الصلاة مرتين ويتمهل في الأذان ويسرع

حاشية الطحطاوي علي مراقي الفلاح (ج١\١٩٦)

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