Moving To A Non-Muslim Country For Safety

CategoriesMiscellaneous [778]

Fatwa ID: 07473


Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




Asalam alaikum, I’m a student and I’m planning to move to a developed non-Muslim country for education. If I can get a job, there I will probably settle.


That’s because I come from a country which has a lot of crime and is dirty. Our food contains alarming amounts of substances such as arsenic. It is unsafe for both women and men. My mother has never left me outside for more than 30 minutes.


Living is also difficult since jobs have a lot of competition and have low salaries. My family members are pushing me to move abroad since they believe my skills would be much more of use in another richer country. Is it halal for me to move to a country like the US or Australia?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




May Allah guide you to what is best for your dunya and akhirah. Your question about moving to a non-Muslim country for education, work, and potentially settling raises important points in Hanafi Fiqh. 


In principle, according to Hanafi jurists, living in a non-Muslim country (Dar al-Kufr or Dar al-Harb) is discouraged unless there is a necessity or clear benefit that cannot be attained while living in a Muslim country. The primary concern revolves around the ability to maintain one’s faith, fulfil Islamic obligations, and preserve Islamic identity.


However, it is permitted to live in a non-Muslim country for specific valid reasons, such as seeking safety, education, or economic benefit, provided one can maintain their religious duties.


If you are facing difficulties in your home country, such as unsafe living conditions, lack of economic opportunities, and concerns about health and safety, then it may be permissible to move to a non-Muslim country where these issues are alleviated. Islam encourages seeking a safe and dignified life if one maintains their religious duties.


In your case, if you are moving to avoid dangers such as crime, unhealthy living conditions, and lack of opportunities, and you believe that you can live in a non-Muslim country without compromising your faith, then it is permissible.


The most important condition for moving to a non-Muslim country is that you must have a strong intention to preserve your faith and continue fulfilling your religious obligations (such as Salah, fasting, and avoiding haram). Hanafi scholars emphasize that while seeking a better life, the preservation of one’s Deen must remain the top priority.


If you feel confident that you can fulfil your religious duties while living in the US, Australia, or another non-Muslim country, it is permissible for you to move there for the sake of your education, job prospects, and safety.


Moving to a non-Muslim country to seek beneficial knowledge (which is not available or easily attainable in a Muslim country) is also a valid reason according to Hanafi Fiqh, if the other conditions of maintaining one’s faith are met.


Since you are moving for education and to use your skills in a way that will benefit you and others, this could be considered a valid reason to reside in a non-Muslim country temporarily or permanently, if religious obligations are met.


To maintain your Iman (faith) and Deen (religion), ensure that in your new environment, you have access to Islamic centres, mosques, and a Muslim community to help maintain your religious duties.


In conclusion, it is permissible for you to move to a non-Muslim country like the US or Australia for education, safety, and economic stability, provided you can maintain your Islamic obligations and safeguard your religious identity. If you believe your skills would be better utilised in a developed country and that it would provide you with a safer and more dignified life, this would be a valid reason in Hanafi Fiqh. Make sure to stay connected to your religion, seek beneficial knowledge, and ensure that your intention remains for the sake of improving your situation without compromising your faith.


May Allah make things easy for you and guide you to what is best for your dunya and akhirah.




Only Allah knows best.

Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





 “ولا يجوز الإقامة في دار الكفر إذا لم يقدر على إظهار الدين، فإن قدر على إظهار الدين، فالجواز يتبع المصلحة، فإن كانت مصلحة له أو لغيره جازت الإقامة”  

   *(Al-Bahr al-Ra’iq, Volume 5, Page 70)



 “وإذا كان في إقامة المسلم في دار الكفر مصلحة له كتحصيل رزق أو أمان على النفس أو المال ولا خوف على دينه فلا بأس بالإقامة فيها”  

   *(Fatawa Hindiyya, Volume 2, Page 792)



 الأصل أنه لا يجوز للمسلم أن يقيم في دار الكفر إلا إذا كان يستطيع إظهار دينه ويقوم بما فرض الله عليه”  

   *(Al-Hidaya, Volume 2, Page 180)







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