Reasons For A Funeral To Be Delayed

CategoriesDeath & Burial [171]

Fatwa ID: 07773



Answered by: Maulana Ahmed Bodhania  






Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah dear teachers, 



What are some legitimate reasons for a funeral to be delayed? 






In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful 






Waaliakum salaam wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu



In our deen we are encouraged to carry out the funeral and burial rights as soon as possible, not incurring any extra delay or expenses, however due to certain circumstances which are not in our control, the burial may need to be delayed. In such a situation due to necessity then it will be okay to do so.  



One example of this is a late release of a body from the hospital due to un-natural or suspicious causes of death like murder etc. Another example would be to delay the burial for a little while to give close relatives who may be in another town a bit of time in order for them to attend the burial, if they would be offended or feel disheartened due to not being able to attend and so long as it would not be a very excessive delay 



And Allah Ta allah knows best. 

Written by Maulana Ahmed Bodhania 

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah 

Darul Ifta Birmingham 






 وقال قاضيخان وقد قال قبله لو مات في غير بلده يستحب تركه فإن نقل إلى مصر آخر لا بأس به لما روي أن يعقوب صلوات الله عليه مات بمصر ونقل إلى الشام 

مراقي الفلاح 613 





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