Asr Timings

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 07927



Answered by: Maulana Nuski Cassim 





I am a Hanafi but I follow an early Shafi time always as I have heard from MUFTI TARIQ MASOOD SAHEB about and here I am attaching a video link of it
Here he said in a video that zuhr namaz get qadha on shafi asr time as asr time starts for Hanafis also in shafi time but it betters to delays it and read at mithl-uth-thani and here I am attaching another fatwa of one of Deobandi scholar daruliftas
In these fatwas he said that both the view of mithl awwal and mithl thani is valid in hanafi madhab for asr salah but we are allowed to follow any one only).my question to you is that am i allowed to follow early asr time opinion as it is less confusing to me and I can follow it easily based on these fatwas of these trustworthy scholar.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful






In the Hanafi madhhab, there are two opinions concerning the ending of the Dhuhr salah and the beginning of the ‘Asr salah.[1]


Imam Abu Hanifah (ra) is of the opinion that Dhuhr ends when the shadow of an object is double its height excluding its shadow at the time of midday. This is known as mithl al-thani.


Imam Abu Yusuf (ra) and Imam Muhammad (ra) are of the opinion that Dhuhr ends when the shadow of an object is equal to its height excluding its shadow at the time of midday. This is known as mithl al-awwal.


The official fatwa of the school is on the opinion of Imam Abu Hanifah (ra). ‘Asr salah will officially begin at the second shadow or ‘mithl al-thani’.[2]


There is also a saying of Imam Abu Hanifah (ra), transmitted by his student Imam Hasan bin Ziyad (ra), that Dhuhr ends when the shadow of an object is equal to its height and ‘Asr does not begin until the shadow of an object is double its height [excluding its shadow at the time of midday]. The time between these two prayers is like the time between the Fajr salah and the Dhuhr salah.[3]


Due to this reason, one should pray the Dhuhr salah in mithl al-awwal, and out of caution, delay performing the ‘Asr salah till mithl al-thani.[4]


With that said, we are in agreement with the fatwa of Mufti Ismail Moosa (ra) attached in the query. And as such, it will be permissible to pray the ‘Asr salah at mithl al-awwal, in accordance with the opinion of Imam Abu Yusuf (ra) and Imam Muhammad (ra).


If one strictly follows the view that conforms with the opinions of Imam Abu Yusuf (ra) and Imam Muhammad (ra), then they will not need to delay praying the ‘asr salah till after mithl al-thani [out of precaution].




Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Nuski Cassim

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham 






وروى محمد عنه: إذا صار ظل كل شيء مثليه، سوى فيء الزوال، يخرج وقت الظهر، ويدخل وقت العصر، وبه أخذ أبو حنيفة


وروى الحسن بن زياد عنه أنه قال: إذا صار ظل كل شيء مثله، سوى فيء الزوال، يخرج وقت الظهر، ويدخل وقت العصر، وبه أخذ أبو يوسف ومحمد وزفر والشافعي


[تحفة الفقهاء، باب مواقيت الصلاة، صفحة ١٦١]  




والظهر من الزَّوال إلى بلوغ الظلّ مثليه سوى الفيء


[كنز الدقائق، كتاب الصلاة، صفحة ٥٥،٥٦، مكتبة البشرى]




وفي رواية الحسن عن ابي حنيفة: إذا صار ظل كل شيء مثله يخرج وقت الظهر، ولا يدخل وقت العصر حتى يصير ظل كل شيء مثليه، فكان بينهما وقت مهمل كما بين الفجر والظهر 


[كنز الدقائق، كتاب الصلاة، صفحة ٥٦، مكتبة البشرى]




ينبغي أن لا يصلى العصر حتى يبلغ طولي الشيء، ولا يؤخر الظهر إلى ان يصير طوله؛ ليخرج من الخلاف فيهما

[الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي مع فتح القدير، باب المواقيت، صفحة ١٤٠]



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