A Lady Who Dresses Modestly Changed Her Dress Sense After Marriage

CategoriesClothing [52]

Fatwa ID: 06503


Answered by: Maulana Usman Ismail




I just sent a question regarding whether a lady who dresses modestly changed her dress sense after marriage to bright clothes constituted shirk.


I wanted to add this point too:

What if the lady thought it was permissible to dress in this way to please the husband while being in front of non-mahrams?

I can honestly say I do not know whether she did it thinking it was permissible or did it knowing it was a sin.

Does the response differ based on her intention?

She genuinely cannot remember her intention.



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




شریعت مطہرہ نے کسی خاص لباس اور وضع کی پابندی عائد نہیں کی.

ہاں شریعت نے عام حالات میں میں خواتین کے لباس کی کچھ حدود مقرر کی ہیں

  1. لباس اتنا چست اور باریک نہ ہو کہ جسم کی بناوٹ اور ساخت ظاہر ہو جائے.
  2. غیر مسلموں اور فاسقوں کے ساتھ مشابہت نہ ہو.
  3. مردوں کے لباس کے ساتھ مشابہت نہ ہو.
  4. فخر و غرور اور شہرت و نمائش مقصود نہ ہو.
  5. اسراف اور تبذیر نہ ہو.

خلاصہ یہ ہے عورت اپنے گھر میں شوہر کے سامنے مختصر لباس پہن سکتی ہے، ہاں جب باہر نکلے تو پورے جسم کو چھپانا ضروری ہوگا.

(فتاوی دار العوم زکریا ج 7 ص 105 زمزم)



Wearing brighter-coloured clothes does not constitute a shirk. If it is taken in the literal sense of bright, opposite of dark colour. However, if it means open-mindedness, the dressings of the immodest people, then it will put a sin upon the person.


There are some rules and regulations regarding dressing in front of different types of people.


  1. The spouse: there is no limit as to how the spouses choose to dress for one another as long as it’s just them and no one else.
  2. In front of the mahram (brothers, fathers, sons etc): she can take her headscarf off.
  3. Woman in front of another woman (Muslim): 1) Not to dress in a way where the figure is apparent. 2) she can take her headscarf off (at weddings etc) when it is segregated.
  4. Woman in front of another woman (non-Muslim): 1) 1) Not to dress in a way where the figure is apparent. 2) It doesn’t befit her to take her headscarf off.


Regarding the dress itself, the rules are as follows:

  1. A dress that reveals the figure.
  2. It does not imitate the disbeliever’s dressings.
  3. It does not imitate the opposite gender dressings.
  4. It shouldn’t be worn to boast or show off.
  5. It shouldn’t be bought out of extravagance.


Given these conditions, a woman should always be mindful of where she is and who is watching her. She should always dress accordingly. To please their husband, she must do it privately when other people are not present. If someone commits a sin knowing, it’s a sin then that’s more harmful. If someone doesn’t know it and commits a sin and finds out after, then that person will be cautious in the future.




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Usman Ismail

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham









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