A Muslimah who has not been giving Zakat for the previous eight years

CategoriesZakah [311]

A Muslimah has owned gold jewellery for the last 8 years, upon which Zakat was due. Due to ignorance, she did not pay the Zakat for this period. However since she became more practising, alhumdulilah, she repented and for the last 2 years she has been paying it correctly. What should be done regarding the missed 8 years? She is finding it hard to calculate the exact amount to be paid for each lunar year, because the amount of gold changed throughout the 8 years i.e. some was sold and some was changed.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.


Zakat is compulsory upon a person who possesses the quantum of nisab (i.e. 612.35 grams of silver or 87.47 grams of gold or currency, wealth equivalent to that amount) for a complete lunar year; which is over and above his basic needs and also free from debts. (Raddul Muhtar p.5 v.2)

Therefore if an individual has in his possession wealth which is free from his basic needs and this amount after deduction of liabilities exceeds the quantum of nisaab then it will be compulsory to pay zakat (2.5%) upon passing of a complete lunar year.

Currently a gram of gold is approximately £33. (Duroos.net)

With regards to your question, your relative will have to give zakat on the gold for the previous eight years. You should calculate how much gold you had eight years ago and put an approximate price of gold which was at that time.  For example, eight years ago you had 100 grams of gold, which was worth £1,000. Then, 2.5% of that amount should be multiplied by ten and the total amount should be given for zakat.

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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