A Person Has a Wet Dream and Wakes Up To Find That There Is No Wetness

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06961


Answered by: Alimah Jannatun Nessa




I have seen wet dreams in past few days and I remember clearly that desire was not fulfilled. It happens to me very, very rarely that there is fulfilment. Most of the times, inside the dream, I feel stopped from fulfilling my desire (by Allah because I ask protection from Allah since it’s very difficult for me to do ghusal). 


But, there has been release of mazi. Please tell me the ruling for me as a woman. I have prayed many Salaahs this way. I’m sure that ghusal might not be required. 



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




When a person has a wet dream and wakes up to find that there is no wetness (mani), then that person is not junub, and ghusl will not be required.


However, if a person did not have a wet dream or cannot remember whether they had a wet dream and woke up to find mani, then they will be considered junub, and ghusl becomes obligatory.


For a woman, madhi is discharged when feeling aroused, and mani is discharged after sexual fulfilment. Since you are certain that the wetness is madhi and not mani due to the absence of sexual fulfilment, ghusl will not be obligatory, however it is more cautious for you to do so. 



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best

Written by Alimah Jannatun Nessa

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




[Radd ul Muhtar, volume 1, page 301, Daar al kutub al ilmiyyah]

وإن لم يتذكر الاحتلام إلا إذا علم أنه مذي او شك أنه مذي أو ودي أو كان ذكره منتشرا قبيل النوم فلا غسل عليه اتفاقا كالودي، لكن في الجواهر إلا إذا نام مضطجعا، او تيقن أنه مني او تذكر حلما فعليه الغسل والناس عنه غافلون لا يفترض أن تذكر ولو مع اللذة والإنزال ولم ير على رأس الذكر بللا إجماعا وكذا المرأة مثل الرجل على المذهب.



[Radd ul Muhtar, volume 1, page 303, Daar al kutub al ilmiyyah]

ان وجد لذة الجماع وجب الغسل والا لا على الاصح



[Hidaya, volume 1, page 33, Al-misbah]

‎قال و ليس في المذي والودي غسل و فيهما الوضوء





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