Masails regarding visiting the graves

CategoriesDeath & Burial [177]

Can Women visit the graveyard?

In the Hanafi school of thought it is permissible for old women to visit graves as long as there is no action which is contrary to the Shariah such as loud crying, intermingling with men, body not fully covered as is required in the Shariah.

Allahmah Ibn Abeedeen Shami (RA) has said that if the woman goes to the graves to cry, renew sorrows etc… then this will not be permissible. However, if they visit for contemplation or to seek barakah, then it is not wrong if they are old. It is disliked if they are young. (Raddul Muhtar p.151 v.3)

When Should one visit the Graveyards?

It is preferable and source of blessing to visit the graveyard on the following days:

1.      Monday

2.      Thursday

3.      Friday

4.      Saturday

It is best to visit after jummah prayers on Friday, Saturday until sunrise, Thursday in the beginning of the day. Similarly on blessed nights like 15th Shabaan, two eids, Day of Aashorah. (Fatawa Hindiyyah P.350 v.5)

What is the ruling of making buildings in a graveyard?

The whole purpose of the rulings in Islam about the simplicity of burying the deceased i.e. no extravagant funerals or tombs should be built is because so people when visiting the graves ponder, contemplate about the hearafter and realise that one day they will be leaving this would and be inside the grave. Keeping the grave simple without any extravagant designs reminds oneself of his creation that he was a piece of earth and Allah created him into a human with it.

Having graves made out of cement, bricks, building tombs around it destroys the whole purpose of visiting a grave; hence it will not be permissible. (Fatawa Rahimiyah P.67 V.7)

Rules for placing flowers on the grave

The placing of flowers on a grave is an action not proven through the Prophet of Allah (SAW) or the Sahabas (RA) or Tabreen’s (RA). (Fatawa Rahimiyah P123 V.7)

Hazrat Shah Ishaaq Muhadith Dehlwi in “Ma la budah Minh” has said that this above mentioned practice is a custom of the disbelievers. The Prophet of Allah (SAW) has said: “Whoever imitates a group of people, he is from them.” (Sunan Abu Dawud P.559 v.2)

Making Graves into places of worship

The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: Let there be curse of Allah upon the Jews and Christians for they have taken the graves of their apostles as places of worship.” (Sahih Muslim )

The Prophet of Allah (SAW) seeing the Jews and Christians indulging in these practices realised the danger of his own people falling into this trap, therefore he forbid us to do such practices.

Sacrifice at graves

It is not correct to sacrifice animals at graves and then distribute the meat there. Saaiduna Anas (RA) says that the Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:

“There is no slaughtering of animals on graves in Islam.” (Sunan Abu Dawud )

To Face the grave and make dua

It is permissible to face the graves and make dua to Allah (SWA) on the condition it is not understood and believed that the deceased is being asked. If so, dua should be made turning away from the graves. (Ahsanul Fatawa P.225 V.4)

Tawaf around the grave

Tawaf is only done around the house of Allah (SWA) and should not be done around the graves of the Prophets or pious people. (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband P.423 v.5)

Visiting Graves at Night

It is permissible to visit the graves at night. (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband P.453 v.5)

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