Animal Fat Usage In Items

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07471



Answered by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad




In the UK the new plastic notes have been made using animal fats. If you pray salah and have some notes in your pocket is your salah invalid?


Also, my pharmacist gave me an anti-fungal cream for an infection and I have found out that it uses animal fat. I applied this cream on my head and would put my head on my pillow and my hands would touch things. I also got given another cream. I’m not sure if it’s made from animals or not.


Is the cream excused?


I read a fatwa that creams and shampoos etc go through chemical metamorphosis so it no longer is impure.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Plastic Notes Containing Animal Fats:

In the case of the plastic notes that contain animal fats, many scholars of the Hanafi madhhab would consider this an  issue of transformation (Istihala). Istihala refers to a process where an impure substance undergoes a complete chemical transformation and becomes a new substance, making it pure (tahir).


If the animal fats used in the plastic notes have undergone such a transformation and are no longer in their original impure form, then the notes themselves would be considered pure. As such, having these notes in your pocket during salah would not invalidate your prayer.


The general ruling would be that as long as the impurity is not physically apparent or transferable, your salah is valid.



Use of Creams Containing Animal Fat:


Regarding the anti-fungal cream that contains animal fats, the Hanafi view would also consider whether the cream has undergone a chemical transformation (Istihala).


If the animal fat has been chemically altered to the extent that it is no longer the same substance, then it would be considered pure. If the fat has not undergone such a transformation, and it comes from a source that is considered impure (e.g., non-halal animals), it would be considered najis (impure).


In summary, your salah is valid with the plastic notes in your pocket, and if the cream has undergone chemical transformation (or you are uncertain), you can consider it pure, and it will not invalidate your wudu or salah.



Only Allah knows best

Answered by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah.

Darul Ifta Birmingham






الدر المختار مع رد المحتار: (327/1، ط: دار الفکر)

. (لا) يكون نجسا (رماد قذر) وإلا لزم نجاسة الخبز في سائر الأمصار (و) لا (ملح كان حمارا) أو خنزيرا ولا قذر وقع في بئر فصار حمأة لانقلاب العين به يفتى




(قوله: لانقلاب العين) علة للكل، وهذا قول محمد، وذكر معه في الذخيرة والمحيط أبا حنيفة حلية. قال في الفتح: وكثير من المشايخ اختاروه، وهو المختار؛ لأن الشرع رتب وصف النجاسة على تلك الحقيقة وتنتفي الحقيقة بانتفاء بعض أجزاء مفهومها فكيف بالكل؟ فإن الملح غير العظم واللحم، فإذا صار ملحا ترتب حكم الملح. ونظيره في الشرع النطفة نجسة وتصير علقة وهي نجسة وتصير مضغة فتطهر، والعصير طاهر فيصير خمرا فينجس ويصير خلا فيطهر، فعرفنا أن استحالة العين تستتبع زوال الوصف المرتب عليها. اه.







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