Bank gift & how to avoid the trap of waswasah

CategoriesTrade, Business & All Things Money [775]

Fatwa ID: 02228

Answered by Molana Eunus Ali



Hazrat, forgive me if these questions have been asked before, I checked my folder I have for every answer you submit, but I couldn't find any
reference, that I have asked these questions before.

1a) If your local bank offer you some money, or you request it as a
token of good-will, or apology for poor service, and they give it
without any pressure/deceit on your part is it HALAL, OR HARAM to

1b) If Hanafi 'Ulema differ in this regard, and I decide to go for the
opinion where I can accept it because the money will come in handy, is
this considered following my desire, and in essence, I have committed

2a) Is it true if someone is confronted with doubt about anything deeni
related i.e. how many rakats he/she has performed, did he/she do no
niyah for the fast he/she is keeping the next day, did he/she give this
sadaqah last week etc – he can act on the dominate thought even if he's
not 100%, and this will be sufficient, and if he/she did err, Insh'Allah
they will be forgiven providing they do taubah – is this correct? Much
of the time, I forget things, and become very very insecure to the point
where I wish to do everything again to avoid being questioned on the Day
of Judgement?. The example, I can give to prove my point is when I had
to do kaffarah qadah for a fast I broke intentionally, there were many
occasions I forgot whether I made intention for the next nafl fast, and
if I wasn't close to 100%, I would start the whole cycle again of 60
fasts again, and my wife got quite frustrated with me? Please clarify



  1. If the money is offered as a gift it will be permissible to accept it.[1]

However if the money is offered in exchange of money deposited into an account then it will not be permissible as the money deposited into an account is considered a loan to the bank with the guarantee of return as of when needed, therefore to take extra in return will be considered interest.

  1. There is no one fixed rule for the one who is in doubt regarding an issue rather the ruling changes depending on the situation.

Examples of the different rules are:

  1. If there is doubt in regards to have carrying out or not carrying out an action, then according to the rule it will be considered that it has not been carried out.

A practical example of this is a person is in doubt if he/she has performed their salah. In this case the salah should be repeated.

  1. Another rule is that if something has been established with certainty then only certainty can remove/discard it.

For example if one is a hundred percent certain that he had performed wudhu, however he/she is in doubt about breaking the wudhu then according to the rule the wudhu will remain valid as the performing of the wudhu is certain and the doubt is found in regards to breaking it.

Conclusion: There are is no one ‘blanket policy’ when it comes to doubt rather every situation and case will need to be individually assessed and the appropriate ruling will need to be applied.

There are many other rules apart from the above and the discussion is too lengthy to mention them all here.[2]

Furthermore in regards to your scenario, applying rule (a), if there is doubt about making the intention or not making the intention for the fast then it will be considered that it has not been made.

To partake of the predawn meal (suhoor) is sufficient for the intention.[3]

Only Allah knows best

Written by Molana Eunus Ali

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham


[1] Fatawa Hindiyyah, Volume 5, page 420, Dar ul Kutub ul Ilmiyyah & Alashabah wan Nazhair, page 96, Dar ul Kutub ul Ilmiyyah



[2] Al-Ashbahu Wan Nazhair, Page 50 & 51, Dar ul Kutub ul Ilmiyyah



[3] Fatawa Hindiyyah, Volume 1, page 215-217, Dar ul Kutub ul Ilmiyyah



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