My Question Is That if a Man Commits an Act of Kufr Does This Count As Talaaq?

CategoriesDivorce [779]

Fatwa ID: 07097



Answered by: Maulana Usman Ismail




It is stated that a talaaq does not take place as a result of an act of kufr from the wife.


My question is that if a man commits an act of kufr does this count as talaaq? (Neither mentioned talaaq at the time)


Separately, what if a man says a statement that he doesn’t realize is kufr, does this count as kufr?

Many thanks, Concerned Muslim




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




“If a person’s wife said such words which bring about disbelief and she also said it with intent, then she is no longer a Muslim, hence their Nikaah has broken”


In conclusion, talaq will not take place, but marriage is broken. Hence it will cause separation between the spouses.



وإذا ارتد أحد الزوجين عن الإسلام وقعت الفرقة بغير طلاق. وهذا عند أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف، وقال محمد فرقة بطلاق. (الهداية، مجلد 2 ص369 لدهيانوي)

القول الراجح: هو قول الشيخين، قال ابن الهمام وعامة مشايخ بخارى أفتوا بالفرقة (القول الراجح، مجلد1 ص 301, دار العلوم الحقانية ختك نوشهره)

ارتد أحد الزوجين عن الإسلام، وقعت الفرقة بغير طلاق. (فتاوى الهندية مجلد 1 ص 405 مكتبة الإتحاد)

رجل ارتد مرارا وجدّد الإسلام في كل مرة، وجدد النكاح على قول أبي حنيفة.

إن ارتد السكران الذاهب العقل، لم تبن منه امرأته. (فتاوى الهندية مجلد 1 ص 406 مكتبة الإتحاد)



If a man commits act of kufr, this will cause immediate separation between the spouses, this will not be regarded Talaq because Talaq is given by a Muslim man. When a man commits Kufr then that right is taken away. It is similar to non-Muslims not praying, fasting, giving charity etc.


In the unfortunate event of a man committing act of kufr he will have to be asked to repeat Shahadah and renew his faith. He will also be asked to renew the marriage.


If a man says wordings of kufr unknowingly, he will be warned about the wrong doings. He will have to be very cautious about his actions and how it can jeopardise his life in this Dunya and in the hereafter as well. Saying such things even in a joke is very destructive. We never know when Allah(swt) will give us death. What if a person dies in that situation? May Allah guide and protect us all. Ameen.




Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Usman Ismail

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham








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