Benefitting From Illegal Tenants

CategoriesTrade, Business & All Things Money [775]

Fatwa ID: 07425



Answered by: Maulana Ubaidur Rahman




My family have tenants but the thing is, it’s illegal for them to have tenants in that part of the house. I wanted to ask if their income is still halal, can I still benefit from that money?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




To derive benefit from any illegal avenue in Islam is prohibited.


Anything illegal, in this case methods of business and receiving money, should be altered immediately; and settlements made to resolve the issue. This would be to make the tenants legal.


Islam does not accept breaking the laws of any country in any capacity.


You would only be allowed to do so if the laws were to go against the core principles and foundation pillars of Islam.


There is no goodness in deriving benefit from illegal means and the income would not be considered halaal.



1Durrul Mukhtaar Sharh Tanweer il Absaar, Page 321, Maktabatus Shaamila.



2 Durrul Mukhtaar Sharh Tanweeril Absaar, Page 585, Maktabatus Shaamila.



1 [كتاب السرقة]

(هيلغة أخذ الشئ من الغير خفية، وتسمية المسروق سرقة مجاز.

وشرعا باعتبار الحرمة أخذه كذلك بغير حق، نصابا كان أم لا، وباعتبار القطع (أخذ مكلف)



2 وفي الجوهرةلو جاء في الماء ما يزرع بعضها فالمستأجر بالخيار: إن شاء فسخ الاجارة كلها أو ترك ودفع بحساب ما روى منها.

وفي الولوالجيةلو استأجرها بغير شربها فانقطع ماء الزرع على وجه لا يرجى فله الخيار، وإن انقطع قليلا قليلا ويرجى منه السقي فالاجر واجب




Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Ubaidur Rahman.

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah.

Darul Ifta Birmingham.







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