Fatwa ID: 02392
Answered by: Maulan Afzal Hussain
I have question regarding reciting the Quran Al Kareem. What are the
best techniques to learn the proper way of reciting the Quran and
learning it's Tajweed? Also, what's the best way to recite beautifully
(i.e. with tune)? And how can I train my voice (male teen) to recite
with tune?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Imaam Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (631-676AH) has mentioned the etiquettes of teachers and students of the Quran in his important book 'Al-Tibyanu fi Adabi Hamalatil Quran.' Some of them are:
1.Have sound intention.
2.Not fidgeting during recitation.
3. Studing from the best. Muhammad ibn Sirin said: 'This knowledge is religion, so examine well he from whom you take your religion.' [Muqaddimah of Muslim]
4. The student should make his recitation with the Shaykh early, at the beginning of the day, because prophet (SWS) said: "O Allah bless my nation in its earliness." [Abu Dauwd:2606, Tirmidhi:1212, Ibn Majah:2236]
5. Reciting at night. Allah said: "Among the people of the book is an upright community that recites the verses of Allah during the night and fall prostrate before Him." [Quran, 3:113]
Some tips of proper way of learning Quran and beautifying of recitation.
1. Learn tajweed rules.
2.Start from short Surahs.
3.Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
4.Practice Quran without missing a day. Recite in your prayers.
5. Practice Makhaarij and Sifat. Just try pronounce them whenever they come in mind. Do not be ashamed to use them in conversation.
6. Repeat the same Surah or page several times.
7. Practice to increase your breath with your tutor.
8.Listen and imitate. While playing any audio of any reciter, try to recite with him. Notice the ups and downs in voice and try to imitate. Also focus on Makhaarij.
9.Learn some vocabulary. It would help you to focus more on improvement of recitation.
10.Practice makes a man perfect. Therefore, practice as much as you can.
11. Finally, make lots of Dua to Allah to bestow His mercy and knowledge upon you.
Say in your Dua "Rabbi Yassir wala Tuassir watammim bil Khaeer."
As for beautifying the voice with Quran: " The scholars of the earlier generations, including the companions, the successors and the scholars of various regions after them – the Imams of the Muslims are in agreement that it is recommended to beautify the voice when reciting the Quran." [see: Etiquette with the Quran by Imam Al-Nawawi (Al-Tibyanu fi Adabi Hamalatil Quran. Publisher: DaarulMawaddah and DaarudDaleel)]
Al-Bara ibn Azib stated that the messenger of Allah said: ‘Decorate the Quran with your voices.’ [Abu-Dawud:1468, Ibn Majah:1342, Daremi:3500] Narrated by Sad ibn Abi Waqqas
that the Prophet
said: “Whoever does not sing the Quran is not one of us.”(Abu-Dauwd:1469) The majority of scholars say that the meaning of ‘not sing’ is ‘not beautifying his voice. ‘The scholars said that it is recommended to beautify the voice and adorn it with recitation, as long as it does not exceed the proper limits of recitation by being overly stretched out. If (the recitation) is exaggerated such that a letter is added or is muffled, then it is unlawful.’ [see: Etiquette with the Quran by Imam Al-Nawawi (Al-Tibyanu fi AdabiHamalatilQuran. Publisher: Daarul Mawaddah and Daarud Daleel)]
As for reciting in a melodious tone, the master judge (al-Mawardi) said in his book Al-Hawi 'Recitation including modes off melody, the utterance of the Quran from its original phrasing by inserting vowels into it, removing vowels, elongating what should be short, shortening what should be elongated, or stretching out words such that it voids its meaning or obscures it (this recitation)is unlawful and renders its reciter morally corrupt.' [see: Etiquette with the Quran by Imam Al-Nawawi((Al-Tibyanu fi Adabi Hamalatil Quran. Publisher: DaarulMawaddah and DaarudDaleel)]
One should recite distinctly. The scholars are in agreement that distinct recitation is recommended. Allah said 'And recite the Quran distinctly.' (Quran, 73:4). It is established that Umme Salama described the recitation of the Messenger of Allah as being distinct, letter by letter (Abu Dawud:1466, Tirmidhi:2924).
Muawiyya Ibn Qurra related that Abdullah Ibn Mughaffl said 'On the day that Makkah was conquered, I saw the Messenger of Allah on his camel reciting surah Al Fath. He recited distinctly in a vibrate tone (Bukhari:4281,4835, Muslim:1820/794)
Shaykh Abu Muhammad ibn Abu Jamrah said: 'Tarjee' means beautification of Tilaawah not recurrent of singing, because reciting with the recurrent of singing negates humility which is the purpose of Tilaawah.' [see: FathulMulhim under the commentary of Hadith 1820/794, publisher: Daarul Qalam Damascus]
Only Allah Knows Best
Written by Maulan Afzal Hussain
Checked and Approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham