Fatwa ID: 01274
Answered by Molana Ishaaq Hussain
A few weeks ago my grandfather passed away now we were thinking of maybe building a well on his behalf in some poor country. Do you know if this is permissible? I have been hearing different views some saying its ok some saying it’s not on the basis that sadaqah jariyah should be done whilst one is alive. But now he has passed away we were thinking of doing something on his behalf as in raise money from the grandsons and sons to construct as well… is this the right way of doing it do you know ?
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
Sayyidna Abu Hurraira reported Allah’s Messenger
saying:” when a person passes away then the reward for those deeds he did are ceased except for three things which continue to give him reward forever.
1. Sadaqah Jariyah
2. That knowledge which benefited others
3. Pious offspring whom continue to make Dua for him. (Sahih Muslim, Mishkaat The Book of Knowledge)
The first thing mentioned in the Hadeeth is Sadaqah Jaariyah. This is when a person buys a piece of land and makes it waqf in the path of Allah , or he builds a well from which people benefit etc. As long these last he/she will be getting reward even after their demise.
The second thing is beneficial Knowledge (of deen) in which people benefit from his Knowledge even after his demise. This could be in the form of a book or it could be such that the Aalim/scholar before his demise taught the people knowledge in which they benefited and they conveyed it to others.
The third thing mentioned in the Hadeeth is pious children. It is apparent that what better gift and what better joy can parents have in this world than having children who are pious and steadfast on deen. Not only does it bring happiness and peace in this world but even in the hereafter it becomes a source of freedom from the fire of hell and a pathway to Jannah for them. (In other words it saves them from the fire of for Hell and it becomes the means of their entry into paradise) .This is because he continuously asks for forgiveness for the parents, prays on behalf of them, he gives sadaqah on behalf of them .All these things that the pious children do, it becomes a means of reward for them and makes them successful in the hereafter.( Mazaahirul Haq p.229 v.1)
From the above commentary we learn that for a person’s reward to continue in the hereafter, any one of the above are sufficient.
The answer to your question will be much clearer from the following text.
“The best form of Isale Thawab is Sadaqah Jaariyah, so that the dead receive the reward forever. The way it should be done is that one should purchase some Islamic books and put it in a Islamic library so that people can benefit from them, or purchase a land, make it waqf and then give it to a poor person or an orphan, or in your case to build a well so that people may drink from it. This is because of what is mentioned in the Hadeeth of Sayyidna Abu Hurraira Radiyallahu Anhu (which is mentioned above).
So we learn from the above mentioned Hadeeth that whatever is spent to help the deceased (after his death), it will be counted as Sadaqah Jaariyah, and the reward will continue to reach him forever” (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband p.221v.6)
Only Allah Knows Best
Written by Molana Ishaaq Hussain
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham