Calculating the Haidh

CategoriesWomen's Issues [308]

Fatwa ID: 06578


Answered by: Alimah Zakiratul Hoque




Assalamualikum I’m emailing for a friend. Her daughter came on her period from 9/03/2022 until 17/03/2022

On 30 March 2022, she came in for a few hours so that was in day 13 of tuhr (purity).

Then she came on again on 5/04/2022 so she is wondering what she needs to do about fasting and namaaz.

Previous habit days are as follows:

4/02/2022 until 14/02/2022

8/01/2022 until 17 /01/2022

9/12/2021 until 19/12/2021

28/10/2021 until 8/11/2021



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




As the bleeding on 30 March 2022 was within 15 days of Tuhr and after the maximum days of Haidh, it would be considered as Istihaadhaa (Fatawa Hindiyya, Vol 1, Pg 42) (1).


9 March to 17 March will be the last valid Haidh and the bleeding on 30 March will be Istihaadhaa (Badai Al Sanai, Vol 1, Pg 165-166). (2)


The bleeding from 5 April 2022 occurred after the 15 days of Tuhr (starting from the previous valid Haidh) and is in her habit of Tuhr, based on the previous dates.


She should not fast or pray Salah from 5 April 2022. If her bleeding from 5 April is 3-10 days, it will be her next valid Haidh.




لو رات الدم بعد اكثر الحيض و النفاس في اقل مدة الطهر فما رات بعد الاكثر ان كانت المبتدأة و بعد العادة ان كانت المعتادة استحاضة



و عن ابي حنيفة فيه اربع روايات روي ابو يوسف عنه انه قال الطهر المتخلل بين الدمين اذا كان اقل من خمسة عشر يوما يكون طهرا فاسدا . و لا يكون فاصلا بين الدمين بل يكون كله كدم متوال ، ثم يقدر ما ينبغي ان يجعل حيضا ، و الباقي يكون استحاضة




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Zakiratul Hoque

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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