Can A Laymen Read Hadith In English And Benefit From Them?

CategoriesKnowledge [363]

Fatwa ID: 07887



Answered by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar




Can laymen read hadith in english and benefit from them?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Yes, of course laymen can read Hadith in english and benefit from them. In fact, this is one of the best ways to directly learn more about the Prophet (saw) and the Deen in general. However, it is important to note that some Hadith require explanation and should be read under the guidance of a teacher. Reading them without the correct context and understanding, especially when they are translated can be harmful.


There are certain Hadith Collections that are appropriate for anyone to read. These include authentic narrations that are easy to understand and make up the foundation of the Deen. I have listed a couple below.


1. 40 Hadith Nawawi is a concise collection of 42 hadith compiled by Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi. These narrations focus on foundational principles of Islam, covering topics like faith, ethics, worship, and social conduct. Each hadith is carefully selected to provide guidance for a Muslim’s daily life and spiritual development. Known for its clarity and depth, it is studied by Muslims worldwide as an essential text for understanding core Islamic teachings.


2. Riyad as-Salihin, compiled by Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi, is a well-known and widely studied collection of hadith. It contains approximately 1,900 hadith carefully selected from the Six Major Books of Hadith, focusing on topics such as ethics, manners, worship, and knowledge. Designed to be practical and accessible, it serves as a valuable resource for Muslims of all levels seeking guidance in their daily lives.


3. Mishkat al-Masabih is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam al-Tabrizi, serving as an expansion of al-Baghawi’s Masabih al-Sunnah. It organizes narrations into three categories based on their authenticity and provides a comprehensive overview of key Islamic teachings. Covering topics like faith, worship, ethics, and law, the text is a valuable resource for scholars and students alike. Widely studied in Islamic seminaries, it remains a cornerstone of hadith literature, offering both spiritual insight and practical guidance for daily life.



4. The Shamaa-il-Tirmidhi is a renowned compilation by Imam Tirmidhi, documenting the physical attributes, character, and lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through 397 hadiths. This collection is divided into 55 chapters, offering a detailed portrayal of the Prophet’s physical appearance, habits, and virtues as narrated by his companions.


A translated English version of Shamaa-il-Tirmidhi, with commentary by Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya, is available. It is abridged and focuses on enhancing understanding of these descriptions for a modern audience. The commentary is titled Khasaail-e-Nabawi and provides insightful explanations, making it suitable for both personal study and teaching purposes.




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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