Can a person use toothpaste in the state of Ihraam?

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [303]

My friend who has gone for Umrah has asked the following questions.
1-A person used Colgate toothpaste in Ihram, what should be done, is there any dam or sadakah and how much?
2-A person wiped his beard with a towel from the chin or the lower part of the chin (the hair which are hanging)in Ihram, what should be done, is there any dam or sadakah and how much?
3-A person wiped his face with a towel in Ihram, what should be done, is there any dam or sadakah and how much?
4-In Ihram if a person commits jinayah on which sadakah becomes wajib, is it compulsory to give Sadakah in Haram Sharif?

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

Answer 1

The ingredients in toothpastes overpowers its fragrance, hence, it will be permissible to use it in the state of Ihraam, although, preferable to refrain from it. (Raddul Muhtar p.576 v.3)

Answer 2

No penalty will be obligatory.

Answer 3

The penalty for wearing sewn clothing in the sate of Ihraam

  • If a man wore a sewn item for one day or night (i.e. for 12 hours) then Damm is obligatory.
  • If a man wore it for one hour then the amount of Sadaqah Fitr (approximately £2 to £3 will be obligatory). If he wore it for less than an hour, some money (less than the above figure) should be given to charity. (Kitabul Hajj p.93)

Answer 4

A Damm refers to slaughtering of a sheep or goat or participating in one seventh of a cow, buffalow or a camel. It must be slaughtered in the precincts of the Haram.  The Damm will not be discharged if it is slaughtered beyond the precincts of the Haram. However, although prefferable to give the Sadqah to the poor people of the Haram, if it is given anywhere else, the Sadqah will be discharged. (Mu’allimul Hujjaj p.263- p.264)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham.