Can I wear a safety pin to hold the top part of the ihram properly?

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [303]

Fatwa ID: 03109

Answered by: Maulana Nabil Khan


Can I wear a safety pin to hold the top part of the ihram properly?



In The Name Of Allah, The Most-Merciful, The Most Kind


The minimum penalty (jinayah) found in the state of ihram is covering a part of the body that cannot be covered like the face which requires sadaqah to be given. This is when at least ¼ of that body part is covered. In the case of a safety pin, this will not substantiate a breach in the ihram to even the minimum extent and thus can be done without any penalty.



Al-Badai Al-Sanai’. Kitab Al-Hajj pg 223.

Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar. Kitab Al-Hajj pg 229


Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Nabil Khan

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




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