Can I’tikaf Be Done in the Masjid Courtyard?

CategoriesSawm (fast) [322]

Fatwa ID: 06603


Answered by: Muftiyah Habiba Akhtar




Can i’tikaf be done in the masjid Courtyard?


Or if a masjid hall has an extension at the back (opposite to the qibla side) and the new hall isn’t designated at the masjid but is open and connected to the masjid hall without any walls etc can i’tikaf be done in this new hall



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Itikaaf is of three types and the one that is referred to in Ramadan is the Sunnah Itikaaf which takes place in the last 10 days of Ramadhan. (1)


The condition for Itikaaf at the Masjid for Ramadan which is sunnah is that the seclusion is restricted to the Masjid.


What is considered the Masjid? Commonly, the Masjid is the entire building of the Mosque however, the masjid is in fact that place where Salah is designated and prayed. This is usually decided and stipulated at the making of the masjid or after its making. Itikaaf must be restricted to the Masjid room where the Salah occurs. It is the room where one cannot enter in the state of Janabath whilst the remainder of the area such as the bathroom and ghusl area can be entered in the Janabah state. (2)


Thus, in response to your query, it will not be permissible to perform Itikaaf in an extended portion of the Masjid but in the actual prayer room/area.



Only Allah knows the best

Written by Muftiyah Habiba Akhtar

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






(۱) اعتکاف مسنون

یہ وہ اعتکاف ہے جو صرف رمضان المبارک کے آخری عشرے میں اکیسویں شب سے عید کا چاند دیکھنے تک کیا جا تا ہے ۔ چونکہ آنحضرتﷺ ہر سال ان دنوں میں اعتکاف فرمایا کرتے تھے اس لئے اس کو اعتکاف مسنون کہتے ہیں۔

Ahkam Itikaaf, Page 30, Maktab Darul Uloom Karachi




Ahkaam Itikaaf, Page 33, Maktab Darul Uloom Karachi







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