Fatwa ID: 02454
Answered by: Moulana Javed ibn Nazir Kachhalia
Can we recite manzil dua on ourselves as a means of ruqyah? If yes, what is the method and for how many days are we supposed to recite it and to do after its recitation? Can reciting it may have some negative influence?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In regards to your question;
It is permissible to do Ruqya on ourself by reciting the manzil or the duas prescribed in the Qura’an and Hadith.
There are no specific days, therefore you should do the Ruqya for as long as you want.
The method that is mentioned in the Ahadith is: ‘The Prophet will recite and then blown on his palms and would pass his hands all over his body starting from his head and concluding at his feet’.
All the above is mentioned in several Ahadith.
1. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri and Ibn Abbas reported that a number of the Prophet’s
companions were on a journey. They stopped one night by the dwellings of a bedouin tribe who refused to host them and give them food.
The chief of that tribe was then stung (by a snake or scorpion). His people tried everything possible to treat him, but to no avail. One of them suggested to seek help from the travellers. When they came to them, one of them said, "By Allah, I can perform ruqyah; but you have refused to host us. So I would not perform the ruqyah until you pledge to give us an offering."
They agreed to give them a flock of thirty sheep, and the companion started blowing (with light spit) on the stung man's sting and reading al-Fatiha. He was immediately cured, like one who was tied and then set free. He stood and walked as if nothing happened to him, and they gave them their pledged offering.
Some of the companions said, "Let us divide this flock among us." Others said, "No, you may not take any pay for reading Allah's Book! Let us not divide the goats until we reach the Prophet , tell him what happened, and see what he commands us."
When they reached al-Madinah, they came to the Prophet and told him what happened. He said (approvingly):
'How did you know that it (al-Fatiha) is a ruqyah? You have done well! And indeed, the best thing to be paid for is Allah's Book. So, divide it among you; and allot a share for me.' (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)
2. 'Aishah reported:
"When Allah's Messenger went to bed, he would bring the palms of both hands together, and blow into them while reading "Qul huwa Allahu ahad" 112, "Qul a'udhu bi rabb il-falaq" 113, "Qul a'udhu bi rabbi n-Nas" 114. He would then rub with them whatever he could reach of his body, starting with his head, face, and the front part of his body. He would do this three times. When he got very ill, he asked me to do that for him." (Al Bukhari and Muslim)
'Aishah also reported:”In the final sickness in which he passed away, the Prophet
used to blow over himself with al-Mu'awwidhat. When he became very ill, I blew with them for him, rubbing over him with his own hand because of the blessing in it." (Al Bukhari and Muslim)
3. Ubayy Bin Ka'b narrated that he had a harvest of dates. He noticed that it shrunk every day, and decided to watch it at night. He did and noticed a beast that looked like a boy who attained puberty. He gave him salam, and it responded to him with salam.
He asked it, "Are you human or jinn"
It replied, "Jinn."
He told it, "Show me your hand."
It showed him its hand, and he saw that it looked like a dog's, with fur like that of a dog covering it. He exclaimed, "Is this how jinn are like!" It then told him, "All jinns know that there is no one among them stronger than me." He asked it, "What brought you here?" It replied, "We have been informed that you like to give charity, so we came to get some of your food." He asked it, "What would protect us from? He replied, "This ayah from Surat ul-Baqarah: (Allahu la ilaha illa huwa Al-Hayy ul-Qayyum,) (AYATUL KURSI) (2/255) – whoever says it in the evening will be protected from us until the morning, and whoever says it in the morning will be protected from us until the evening."
In the morning, Ubayy came to Allah's Messenger and told him of that incident. He told him, 'The evil one has said the truth!'(An-Nasai)
From the above we learn the different ways of Ruqya and also what can be recited. The Maznil that you using includes all the essential and important duas for protection.
May Allah protect us all. Ameen
Only Allah knows best.
Written by Moulana Javed ibn Nazir Kachhalia
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham