Can you clarify these Barelvi beliefs?

CategoriesMiscellaneous [821]

Fatwa ID: 02768

Answered by:  Maulana Tahsin Alam


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I recently found out about Barelvi beliefs and I am very scared to their shirkia, kufria beliefs. I have been raised in a Barelvi family but didn't know much in depth about the beliefs and what they could amount to. I didn’t know Barelvi beliefs, especially I wasn’t aware that they say that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wassalam was made of Allah’s noor (astagfirullah).

I used to attend milaads, go to graves of pious people but what I roughly remember I had been saying in dua like this at grave of pious that please request Allah Ta'ala to give me this or that or listen to my duas etc. or O Allah Ta'ala, give me with sadqa of this deceased etc. I think my husband also belongs to a Barelvi family but I'm not sure what he, himself believes in. Then I have been following seekers guidance website by Sheikh Faraz Rabbani and found out in one of the posts where it said Prophet (peace be upon him) was created out of light (not noor of Allah Ta'ala).

I read the same thing in one of the posts in mufti says website which is very authentic I think. I have also seen on Ask imam seekers hub and mufti says.  I searched on other websites and found out from some of the muftis they said that Noor means guidance not Noor in essence. So prophet Muhammad was noor (as guidance) and a human being. Once when I heard mufti Akmal views on youtube and I got scared as I had been listening to his videos on youtube and then I found out about Barelvi beliefs. Astagfirullah. May Allah Ta'ala forgive me Ameen. I have done tauba.

Can you please clarify above about seekers guidance and mufti says website regarding created light and also due to my previous beliefs, do I need to do a renewal of nikkah with my husband?

1. I recently started doing Shariah Course in one of the institutions but not too sure as to what their beliefs are. Only I can send the list of some seerat books I found there which are:

Life of Rasulullah Madina Period by Husain Anuri

Mohammad Messenger of Allah

Ash-shifa of Qadi Ilyad ibn musa al-Yahsubi Translated by Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley

Muhammad – His Life Based on the Earliest Sources By Martin Lings (Abu Bakar Siraj Al Din)

2. Can you please confirm whether above books are fine to read? And I am enrolled in that course doing Tajweed, tarbiyah, mustallah, sciences of the Quran and 40 Hadith in this term. Can I continue studying there until I found out their beliefs or what should I do? I am just too scared to study somewhere were the beliefs are not right. I apologise for too many questions. Can you please answer them urgently.


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


1.    Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) is considered to be nūr in the sense of being a guide to human kind, yet he is still a living, breathing human in form and in actuality.[1] The view which claims that he is a being made from nūr is incorrect, but it does not necessitate kufr (disbelief).[2] You do not have to repeat your nikāḥ with your husband.

2.    The books you have mentioned are fine to read and learn from.

3.    If you are able to switch to another institute, you should do so. If not, you may be able to learn the aspect of the dīn which are not related to ʿaqīdah (creed). Please consult your local, trustworthy scholar to learn these topics from or otherwise there are many online institutes, such as SeekersHub that should be sufficient.

You may also consult the following books for your personal research:

1. 'Mutalia Barelwi' by Dr. Allama Khalid Mahmood
2. 'Who Are the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa' by Mufti AH Elias
3. 'Deoband Se Barelwi Tak' by Moulana Abu Awsaf
4. 'Barelwi Fitna ka Naya Roup' by Muhammad Arif


Only Allah Ta’ala knows best

Written by Maulana Tahsin Alam

Checked and approved by Ustadha Sabrina

Darul Ifta Birmingham


[1] Imām Baghawī, Tafsīr al-Baghawī, under sūrah 05 verse 15.

[2] Dr Ḥātim al-ʿAwnī, Takfīr Ahl Shahādatayn, pg, 29.


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