Fatwa ID: 02962 Answered by: Aalima Nasima Umm Hamza Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah I am heavily affected by wasawis. I keep getting doubts, bad…
Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence
Fatwa ID: 02962 Answered by: Aalima Nasima Umm Hamza Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah I am heavily affected by wasawis. I keep getting doubts, bad…
Fatwa ID: 02963 Answered by: Maulana Tahsin Alam Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah 1. What is the isnad that reaches Al-Fiqh al-Akbar and Wasiyah al…
Fatwa ID: 02915 Answered by: Moulana Imran Mughal Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah What makes Islamic jurisprudence different from other forms of jurisprudence? …
Fatwa ID: 02914 Answered by: Moulana Imran Mughal Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Someone told me that not all actions our are shown to Prophet Mohammad…
Fatwa ID: 02694 Answered by: Maulana Imran Mughal Question: Asalamualaikum What intention should one make before teaching ahaadith? Please list as many in order to gain…
Fatwa ID: 02682 Answered by: Moulana Tahsin Alam Question: Assalamualaikum Will it be permissible for Muhthhaaj people like who have disabilities, e.g. EyeSight or Hearing disabilities…
Fatwa ID: 02676 Answered by: Maulana Imran Mughal Question: Asalamualaikum. I am doing research regarding female muftis in Pakistan but I am unable to find female…
Fatwa ID: 02649 Answered by: Molana Muhammad Adnan Question Question: I would like explanations regarding the Ahadith below. Narration 1. "'Imran Ibn Sawad says, "I…
Fatwa ID: 02640 Answered by: Molana Eunus Ali Question Can you shed some light on Bayt al Izzah and Bayt al Mamur? I can't seem to…
Fatwa ID: 02584 Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah Question There are many virtues to ayaatul kursi, Where would this hadith be found, and would…