Fatwa ID: 06619 Answered by: Maulana Yūsuf Badāt Question: Would you have any booklets or works on the topic of the zakāh…
Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence
Fatwa ID: 06619 Answered by: Maulana Yūsuf Badāt Question: Would you have any booklets or works on the topic of the zakāh…
Fatwa ID: 06618 Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Dilwar Hussain Question: Should Zakat be paid on cryptocurrency as well as ETFs (share baskets) …
Fatwa ID: 06617 Answered by: Ustadha Shaheen Yusuf Question: Assalamu alaikum Mufti Sahab, I follow Hanafi Fiqh. I have 2 questions regarding…
Fatwa ID: 06616 Answered by: Maulana Usman Ismail Question: Can a person give zakat from his alcohol-earning haram money or interest money?…
Fatwa ID: 06615 Answered by: Maulana Abdul Malik Question: I read your answer that Zakat will be necessary for the funds but…
Fatwa ID: 06610 Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Dilwar Hussain Question: There is a charity which looks after disabled orphans. They need money…
Fatwa ID: 06609 Answered by: Alimah Sherbhanu Jadwat Question: I have a cousin who is in debt. Her husband is working and…
Fatwa ID: 06582 Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Dilwar Hussain Question: I have a question about paying my zakat. I just received ten…
Fatwa ID: 06561 Answered by: Maulana Burhaan Rahman Question: Is zakat due on gold jewellery that is in a pawn shop? …
Fatwa ID: 06560 Answered by: Maulana Burhaan Rahman Question: Assalaamu’alaykum is there Zakah on the maintenance loan that I have, will…