Combining Prayers on Journey

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 07069


Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Haroon Hussain




I will be travelling on holiday in 2 weeks and wondered if we can combine our prayers? 2) if not, we know we will miss a certain prayer, can we then combine the prayer?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




  1. Two different prayers cannot be combined and prayed together in one prayer time. The way that you can “combine” them is to pray one at near the end of its prayer time and pray the next at the start of its prayer time. So, on the face of it, it looks like you have combined them but in fact, they are still prayed in their own prayer times1.


  1. If you know that you are going to miss a prayer time whilst travelling, if you are able to leave the vehicle for a short break and pray, that is what you must do2. If you are unable to do so, for example on a long plane journey, you should pray on the plane at the correct time, even if that is sitting down (if there is no place to stand/no permission given by the crew). If you were not able to pray standing up or facing the Qiblah, then 2 fardh of salaah have been missed therefore, when you arrive, you should repeat that prayer.3



Only Allah knows best

Written by Mufti Mohammed Haroon Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




1 ما رواه مما يدل على التأخير محمول على الجمع فعلا لا وقتا: أي فعل الأولى في آخر وقتها والثانية في أول وقتها

رد المحتار على الدر المختار – جلد 1 – ص 382 – كتاب الصلاة – دار الفكر- بيروت



2 أما الفرائض فمختصة بوقت والسنن الرواتب نوافل وعن أبي حنيفة أنه ينزل لسنة الفجر لأنها آكد من سائرها

الهداية – جلد 1 – ص 70 – كتاب الصلاة – باب النوافل – فصل في القراءة – دار احياء التراث العربي – بيروت



3 أحسن الفتاوى – جلد 4 – ص 88-89 – باب صلاة المسافر – ايچ ايم سعيد كمپنی









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