Confusion Regarding When to Start the Prayers after Haidh

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 04177

Answered by: Aalimah Nasima Umm Hamza




I have irregular menses and am madhur since I get constant discharge even on tuhr days which is mostly yellow or brownish. When my periods stop I wait a few days to confirm this since a lot of times I thought they had stopped when two or three days later I see blood spot again. If during those days when I'm waiting I didn't bleed them I make qada for all the prayers I missed. The question is if I see blood at night but the next morning I check and there's no blood and I wait one day to confirm whether I am tuhr or not then do I have to make up prayers of one day and the fajr in between the two times I checked or just make up the prayers of one day? Basically, if I see blood but a few hours later do not see blood then do I need to make up for the prayers in between? Or no since after the time of not seeing blood is when my tuhr period starts so no prayers need to be made up?



بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Please note that once you see the clear discharge to indicate your menstruation has ended, it is necessary for you to do ghusl and pray. If you then spot or bleed again a day or two later, it will be considered to be Istihadaah as there needs to be a gap of fifteen days between the end of one menstruation cycle to the beginning of the second one.


With regards to your question, it is necessary for you to make up all the prayers from the time you went to sleep since it is considered that you became pure before the end of that prayer time. So if you went to sleep at Isha time, you must make up salatul Isha and all the prayers thereafter. [1]




Allah (SWT) alone knows best.

Written by Aalimah Nasima Umm Hamza

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




[1] Raddul Muhtaar, Kitaab at-Tahaarah, Baabul Hayd, Volume 1, page 291

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