Continuous Discharge During Umrah

CategoriesTaharah [532]

Fatwa ID: 07474


Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




I am going for Umrah soon and have an issue where very small amounts of discharge exit my private parts and I’m not aware till I check my underwear. How do I perform my umrah if this discharge might and most likely exit my private parts during tawaaf and so on. What shall I do if anything exits does my umrah not count and if any discharge ends up touching my Ihram does my umrah not count please help.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The issue of discharge during Umrah is a concern that many people face, and there are specific rulings in Hanafi Fiqh that can help guide you through this.


  1. Discharge and Its Impact on Wudu:


In the Hanafi school, any discharge from the private parts (apart from wind) generally invalidates wudu. However, if this is something that happens frequently (such as incontinence or continuous discharge), there are rulings in place to make it easier for the individual. The condition you describe may fall under the category of ma’zur (excused person), for which there are special dispensations.


In your case, if the discharge is continuous and you are unable to keep it under control, you would perform wudu for each prayer or act of worship like Tawaf, and continue your worship without concern, as you would fall under the category of ma’zur (excused).



  1. The Ruling on Discharge Touching Ihram:


If the discharge touches your ihram clothing, it is important to understand the rulings regarding impurities on clothing in Salah or acts of worship like Tawaf.


If the impurity is minor, it does not invalidate your worship.


The Hanafi scholars generally agree that a small amount of impurity, roughly the size of a dirham (coin), is excused. If the discharge is small and touches your ihram, it would not invalidate your Umrah or Tawaf. You should try to clean it as soon as possible, but if this is not feasible immediately, your worship remains valid.


Practical Steps During Umrah:


  • Before Tawaaf or Salah: Perform wudu before each act of worship, including Tawaf.


  • If Discharge Occurs During Worship: If discharge occurs during Tawaf or Salah and you are unaware of it until later, it does not affect the validity of what you have already completed. Continue your worship.


  • Excused Person (Ma’zur): If the discharge happens frequently, you may consider yourself as a ma’zur based on the following condition: if the discharge happens frequently enough that you cannot maintain a state of wudu for a full Salah time, you are classified as ma’zur. This allows you to perform wudu at the beginning of the prayer time and continue with your worship, even if discharge occurs afterwards.


Once you are considered ma’zur, you can perform wudu and continue your acts of worship like Tawaf, and the occasional discharge would not invalidate your wudu until the next prayer time.


  1. Does Discharge Invalidate Umrah?


No, the discharge itself does not invalidate your Umrah or Tawaf, but it does invalidate wudu. If you are in a state of ma’zur, your wudu remains valid for the duration of that prayer time, even if discharge occurs. Therefore, your Umrah and Tawaf remain valid, and touching the ihram with a small amount of impurity is excused, as long as the impurity is cleaned when feasible.


Therefore, if you experience frequent discharge, you fall under the category of ma’zur. This means that you can make wudu at the beginning of the prayer time and perform all acts of worship, even if discharge continues.


If any discharge touches your ihram, it does not invalidate your Umrah or Tawaf, provided the impurity is small. You should try to clean it, when possible, but your worship remains valid.


Your Umrah will count, insha’Allah, if you follow these steps, and there is no need to overly worry about minor impurities.




Only Allah knows best.

Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





 “إن استنكحته النجاسة وصار لا يمكنه حفظ نفسه يستحب له الوضوء لكل صلاة ويصلي بتلك الطهارة ما شاء من الفرائض والنوافل”

(Al-Hidaya, Volume 1, Page 44)



 “والعفو عن قليل الدم والقيح والصديد إذا كان في البدن أو الثوب”

(Mukhtasar al-Quduri, Page 25)


 “والعذر هو أن يستمر خروج الحدث بحيث لا يجد وقتا يتوضأ فيه ويصلي صلاة كاملة”

(Al-Hidaya, Volume 1, Page 45)








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