Continuous discharge problem

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 01936

Answered by Molana Ishaaq Hussain


Asalaamu Alaikum. I have a CONTINUOUS yellowish/whitish discharge, moderate in quantity, slightly viscous, and with a mild odour. Does this break Wudhu? Am I a Ma'zoor And if I am, and I didn't know, and performed Salaah without making a fresh Wudhu every Salaah time, do I have to repeat all those Salaah? 



The minimum period of menses is three days and their nights. Whatever is less than this is irregular bleeding (Istihaadah). The maximum period of it is ten days, while anything beyond that is considered to be Istihaadah. (Mukhtasar Qudoori p12 & Hidayah p54 v1)

The woman with extended bleeding, the person with incontinence of urine, a perpetual nosebleed and an ulcerous wound, are to perform Wudu for each prayer timing and are to pray this with Wudu at the time of any obligatory and optional prayers they like. (ibid)

A woman who constantly bleeds after her menstruation days is known as a Mustahaadah, she know comes under the category of a Mazoor.

One will become a Ma’zoor only if the state of impurity lasts for one complete  duration of a Salah time. If throughout this time, blood, urine or any other impurities flowed or dripped continuously, not enabling one to make wudhu and perform the Fardh Salah with purity, then one will be known as a Ma’zoor.

For example, if the illness occurred 15 minutes before isha salah (the last portion of the duration of the magrib salah), then the actual time of being a Ma’zoor will be reckoned from the start of isha salah.

During this time if the illness stopped long enough to enable one to make the faraaidh of wudhu (face, arms etc…) and just the Fardh Salah, then one will not be considered a Ma’zoor.

After qualifying as a Ma’zoor, one will remain a Ma’zoor as long as the bleeding, discharge etc… does not stop for one full Salah time.

Upon becoming a Ma’zoor, it is not necessary for the bleeding to be continuous in the succeeding Salah times.  It will suffice if the bleeding was for just a moment for one of succeeding Salah times for the person to continue to be considered a Ma’zoor.

A Ma’zoor shall make Wudhu for every Fardh Salah. The wudhu of a Ma’zoor remains valid for th.e duration of the Salah time and all the factors which break wudhu besides the factor responsible for making one Ma’zoor, will nullify the wudhu of a Ma’zoor. (Ahsanul Fatawa p.77 v.2 & Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband p.298 v.1, Baheshti Zewar p65).

With regards to your question if your discharge is so much that you are not able to do the Faraaidh acts of Wudu and pray your Farz Salaah without the discharge returning then you will be considered as a mazoor. You will be permitted to read salaah with this illness. You will make wudu for each salaah.

With regards to those prayers which you had prayed earlier, if you were classed as a mazoor then you will have to offer those prayers again, the reason being is that once you are a mazoor, then for every Fard salaah a fresh Wudu is needed, whereas if you were not classed as a mazoor then you will not need to repeat those prayers.

Only Allah Knows Best

Written by Molana Ishaaq Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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