Delegating Someone Else To Pelt The Stones On Ones Behalf

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [303]

Fatwa ID: 07207



Answered by: Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad 




So remember how I was feeling sick? It only got worse and worse. Ended up throwing up a lot before leaving for Muzdalifa. At Muzdalifa I woke up in the night and started throwing up immediately to my side.


When we left for Mina I threw up on the coach. It got really really bad. Walking made me nauseous, and being on a coach made me nauseous. My stomach was rejecting water as well so I had to keep myself dehydrated (I had to force myself to drink some water and ended up throwing up). The cramps were really really bad.


Everyone was walking to do the pelting today. Just because I could barely walk, the heat was intense, I couldn’t have water, and I was constantly nauseous and on the verge of throwing up, I decided that there was no way I could do the pelting. I would be in the heat for so much longer with lots of walking whilst simultaneously immensely restricting the amount of water I could have. 


So I delegated someone else to do my pelting for today and just stayed in bed. Fast forward several hours he messages me saying it’s done and I message “Qurbani” to do the sacrifice and he informs me it’s done. At this point, the cramps are quite bad and I was still feeling super nauseous and I would have to force myself to take water. Now, after the sacrifice was confirmed, I’m starting to feel better and think I’m just about healthy enough to do the walking to the Jamarat and do the pelting. But the pelting and the animal sacrifice is already done.


My question is what should I do now? Should I go to the Jamarat and do the pelting? Is there anything wrong with what I did?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The rami (pelting of the pebbles) is an essential part of the rituals of hajj. The days of rami are 10th -13th of  Dhul Hijjah and the time begins from the break of dawn to the break of dawn the next day. 


If someone on the days of rami due to severe illness and weakness is unable to carry out the rami, in this case, he or she is allowed to delegate someone to do it on their behalf. The method of doing this is that the delegated person does his own rami of the seven pebbles first and then he can do it on behalf of the ill person.


There is nothing wrong with what was done since you had a genuine reason for not doing the rami on your own, which is illness and weakness. If so said is the case, your rami was accepted and completed.



البحر الرائق: (کتاب الحج، 602/2، ط:)

وفي اللباب : ولو رمی بحصاتین إحداہما عن نفسه والأخری عن غیرہ جاز ویکرہ ، والأولی أن یرمي أولا عن نفسه ثم عن غیرہ


 (غنیة الناسک، باب رمي الجمار، فصل في شرائط الرمي،ص: ۱۰۰)

من شروط الرمي-أن یرمي بنفسه فلا تجوز النیابة فیه عند القدرة وتجوز عند العذر،……وحد المریض أن یصیر بحیث یصلي جالساً ؛ لأنه لا یستطیع الرمي راکباً ولا محمولاً إما لأنه تعذر علیه الرمي أو یلحقه بالرمي ضرر، فإن کان مریض له قدرة علی حضور المرمي محمولاً ویستطیع رمیا کذلک من غیر أن یلحقه ألم شدید، ولا یخاف زیادة المرض ولا بطوء البرء، لا یجوز النیابة عنه




Only Allahتعالي  Knows Best

Answered by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad 

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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