Discharge and Wudhu

CategoriesWomen's Issues [308]

Fatwa ID: 06549


Answered by: Alimah Zakiratul Hoque




I have a question regarding discharge and wudhu.


For many years I have struggled with finding a sound conclusion for masalas pertaining to discharge and whether it breaks wudhu in certain situations.


On a daily basis I suffer from constant (it secretes every 20-30 mins) discharge. 95% of the time the colour varies between green and yellow which is pretty much odourless. The texture varies from miscast-like to thin. The other 5% of the time it’s clear/egg white colour and thin.


I’ve been to the doctor who has ruled out a fungal infection. Personally, I have come to the conclusion this is not a result of any illness. I have spoken to others in similar situations who have also expressed they have the same colours of discharge.


The reason I want this clarified is that I have been struggling with doing wudhu every single salaah on a daily basis. This is extremely difficult for me when travelling/out of the home.


One example of this is during umrah, I was told that in advised for my tawaaf to be valid I should wear a cotton pad, however, I found this to be too uncomfortable and was not sufficient at containing the discharge. I had to wear a tampon instead however I was told this was not advisable for an unmarried woman.


Please can you provide me clarity on the matter as it is becoming very difficult for me?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




If the discharge is (wetness) from the outer part of the vagina, it would be considered pure and would not break Wudhu. This may be what you experience in the 5% you described. Discharge from beyond the vagina breaks Wudhu, and you will need to perform Wudhu when experiencing it (Raddul Muhtaar, Vol 1, Pg 515). (1)


Although it is normally not advisable for you to always wear a tampon, you may do so if needed when you are travelling, as extra hardships are a cause for ease (Qawaaid Fiqhiyyah, Pg 40). (2)




وَأَمَّا رُطُوبَةُ الْفَرْجِ الْخَارِجِ فَطَاهِرَةٌ اتِّفَاقًا اهـ ح. وَفِي مِنْهَاجِ الْإِمَامِ النَّوَوِيِّ رُطُوبَةُ الْفَرْجِ لَيْسَتْ بِنَجِسَةٍ فِي الْأَصَحِّ. قَالَ ابْنُ حَجَرٍ فِي شَرْحِهِ: وَهِيَ مَاءٌ أَبْيَضُ مُتَرَدِّدٌ بَيْنَ الْمَذْيِ وَالْعَرَقِ يَخْرُجُ مِنْ بَاطِنِ الْفَرْجِ الَّذِي لَا يَجِبُ غَسْلُهُ، بِخِلَافِ مَا يَخْرُجُ مِمَّا يَجِبُ غَسْلُهُ فَإِنَّهُ طَاهِرٌ قَطْعًا، وَمِنْ وَرَاءِ بَاطِنِ الْفَرْجِ فَإِنَّهُ نَجِسٌ قَطْعًا كَكُلِّ خَارِجٍ مِنْ الْبَاطِنِ كَالْمَاءِ الْخَارِجِ مَعَ الْوَلَدِ أَوْ قُبَيْلَهُ




المشقة تجلب التيسير




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Zakiratul Hoque

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







About the author