Discharge on Undergarments

CategoriesWomen's Issues [305]

Fatwa ID: 06374


Answered by: Maulana Abdul Malik




Assalam o Alaikum sir, My concern is that as a woman, when we get aroused we get wet down there and the wetness may stain our undergarments. So, my question is, is that undergarment considered “impure”? Can I pray while wearing it or do I have to remove it while praying?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The discharge that comes from men and women whenever they are aroused is called Madhi, which is a pre-sexual fluid that exits when one is aroused, e.g. sexual thoughts, foreplay, etc (Imdad ul Fatah, pg 104)[1]

Madhi is impure, thus if it soils a person’s undergarment then the undergarment should be removed and the impurities should be washed out before praying in that undergarment.


No consideration will be given to the effects that remain on the undergarment after washing as long as the actual impurities are removed (Imdad ul Fatah, pg 162)[2]


In conclusion, as long as the physical impurities are washed out of the undergarment and some stains remain after washing thoroughly. No consideration should be given to the stains because they might require something additional to remove them.
It would be permissible to pray in a such undergarment that is free from impurities.





[1] (مذي) هو ماء أبيض رقيق، يخرج عند شهوة لا بشهوة و لا دفق و لا يعقبه فتور، وربما لا يحس بخروجه،  وهو أغلب في النساء من الرجال


[2] و يطهر متنجس بنجاسة مرئية بزوال عينها و لو بمرة على الصحيح، و لا يضر بقاء أثر شق زواله




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Abdul Malik

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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