Does Allah Accept Non Muslim dua’s?

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Does Allah Accept Non Muslim dua’s?

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.


Allah (SWA) accepts those supplications, which are appropriate and proper from a Non Muslim. However, it is impermissible for Muslims to seek forgiveness for the disbeliever.

Allah (SWA) has said in the Holy Quran:

“It is not for the Prophet and the believers to seek forgiveness for the mushriks, even if they are kinsmen.” (Surah Tawbah V.113)

Imam Qurtubi (RA) has said that it is permissible to pray for the forgiveness of the disbeliever with the intention that the disbelieving person may have the tawfiq of Imaan.  (Maariful Quran P.476 V.4)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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