Doing wudhu from water mixed in a basin

CategoriesTaharah [580]


When doing wudhu, does the water need to be flowing, or can we mix the water in the basin/sink, as the hot water is very hot, its impossible to touch, and we dont have mixer taps ?.


Because I have a urine drip problem, after washing my private parts, I place a piece of toilet paper in my underpants, do I need to wash my private parts everytime I do my wudhu, or can I just renew the wudhu, bearing in mind that everytime I urinate, there will be a few drops.


In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.




Firstly, I will begin by saying that used water is the water which has been used to purify from impurities as well as such water which has been used on the pure body for the purpose of obtaining reward. For example, one is already in the state of wudhu but makes a fresh wudhu to obtain reward, by making intention of wudhu. (Kitabut Taharah p.86)


Water becomes used after it separates from the body. Therefore, if a person is washing his face or arm, then the water becomes used as soon as it separates from the skin of the face or arm. (Nurul Idah p.24)


It is not permissible to use “used water” for ghusl and wudhu. Used water is pure in itself and can be used to remove other impurities like blood and excreta. (Kitabut Taharah p.87)


With regards to your question, you can mix cold and hot water in a basin and do wudhu from it but care has to be taken that the water which separates from the arm or face cannot fall into the basin as the water in the basin will then become used. If the water is falling somewhere else besides the basin then the wudhu will be valid. Alternatively, you can mix the cold and hot water in a mug and do wudhu from it with the water falling into the basin.


With regards to the second question, you have said that you have a urine drip problem. If the problem is so severe you will be considered as a Ma’zoor. A person who due to some illness, etc… continuously remains in the state of impurity, being unable to remain in the state of purity long enough to perform Salaah is called a Ma’zoor.


One will become a Ma’zoor only if the state of impurity lasts for one complete duration of a Salah time. If throughout this time, blood, urine or any other impurities flowed or dripped continuously, not enabling one to make wudhu and perform the Fardh Salah with purity, then one will be known as a Ma’zoor.


For example, if the illness occurred 15 minutes before isha salah (the last portion of the duration of the magrib salah), then the actual time of being a Ma’zoor will be reckoned from the start of isha salah.


During this time if the illness stopped long enough to enable one to make the faraaidh of wudhu (face, arms etc.) and just the Fardh Salah, then one will not be considered a Ma’zoor.


After qualifying as a Ma’zoor, one will remain a Ma’zoor as long as the bleeding, discharge etc. does not stop for one full Salah time.


Upon becoming a Ma’zoor, it is not necessary for the bleeding to be continuous in the succeeding Salah times, it will suffice if the bleeding was for just a moment for one salah time to continue to be considered a Ma’zoor.


A Ma’zoor shall make Wudhu for every Fardh Salah. The wudhu of a Ma’zoor remains valid for the duration of the Salah time and all the factors which break wudhu besides the factor responsible for making one Ma’zoor, will nullify the wudhu of a Ma’zoor. (Ahsanul Fatawa p.77 v.2 & Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband p.298 v.1)


If your situation is so bad that you do not have time in which you are able to do the faraaidh of wudhu and read the Fardh Salah without the discharge returning then you will be considered a Ma’zoor thus it will be permitted for you to read Salah with this illness. You should do Wudhu for each Salah.   


Regarding the tissue paper the following two rules will apply:


a)     If the tissue soiled by the bleeding, urine become soiled quickly before the Salah could be completed, then it is not obligatory to remove it or wash your private parts.


b)     If the tissue does not soil quickly and one will be able to perform and complete the Salah without the impurity reaching the size of a dirham, (area of the hollow in the palm of the hand) then it will be necessary to remove it. Salah with such an impure tissue will not be permissible. (Kitabut Taharah p.71)


However, if your urine problem is not of the status of a Ma’zoor then you will have to remove the tissue and wash the private part as well.


Only Allah Knows Best


Mohammed Tosir Miah


Darul Ifta Birmingham

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