D`ua after salah in congregation

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Dua after salah in congregation

Allah has created mankind in order to obey his commands and worship him. Worshipping is a fundamental part of being a Muslim.

Worshipping was also common and familiar with the Ummah before Islam, but the difference was that Allah (swa) through the Holy Prophet sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam informed the people about the reality and purpose of worship.

In Islam, the term ‘Ibaadah’ (worship) is broad and there are many things that an individual can do, which Islamicaly deemed as worship.

One method that brings an individual closer and direct to Allah (swa) is the method of asking and supplicating Allah (swa).

The Holy Prophet (sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam) has said: “Supplication is the pitch of worship.” (Tirmizi p.175 v.2)

In light of the Quran and Hadith, there are certain times where the supplication is more likely to be accepted by Allah (swa). One of the times where there is an increase chance of Allah accepting our prayers is after the farz salah.

The answer to your question will be in 3 parts. The first part will talk about dua after the farz prayer individually. The second part looks at raising the hands whilst making dua and finally, the third part will look at the matter regarding dua collectively.

First and foremost the issue regarding the making of dua after the farz prayer is proven through many ahadeeths. It is an act of sunnah and this was also the practices of the Sahabas (ra) and Tabeen (ra).

Mughira ibn-shubah relates that the Holy Prophet (sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam); used to say after completing his prayer “there is no God sallallahu Alaihi Wasalambut Allah, alone without partner. He is the dominion, his is the praise and he has the power over all things. O Allah, none can withhold what you bestow what you withhold is the fortune of he fortune avails nothing against you.” (Bukhari p937 v.2)

“Hazrat Aaisha (ra) narrates that she asked the Holy Prophet sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam about the punishment of the grave.” He replied “ yes” The punishment of the grave is true”

Hazrat Aaisha (ra) reports that she did not see the Holy Prophet sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam after each salah expect he used to seek refuge from the punishment of the grave.” (Nasai p192 v.1)

4) Umama Al- Bahili narrates: The messenger of Allah sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam was asked as to which supplication was most quickly accepted? He replied, “In the middle of the night and after the obligatory prayers. (Tirmizi Shareef)

5) Mughira  Ibn-Shubah (ra) narrates that the messenger of Allah (sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam) used to supplicate three times after every prayer. (Bukhari)

Thus, one could come to a conclusion that dua is an integral part of the worship in Islam.

In light of the Quran and Hadith; there are certain times (dua) supplication is more likely to be accepted by Allah (swa). Inshallah, I will mention these times later in the article.

However, one of the times during the day, where there is an increase chance of Allah (swa) accepting his prayers is after his farz salah.

This takes me onto the main part of my article, which is the dua after the congregation salah. Are there any “Dallils” (proofs) from the hadith, which shows that the prophet (sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam) supplicated collectively or not? Some go to the extent and say that this is not proven at all, thus they consider it bidah.

Whereas, some accept the permissibility of making dua, but refuse to lift their hands for it.

Furthermore, those who raise their hands for dua, come prefer it silently, whilst others favour it loudly.

Thawban (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam, after completing his prayer, used to seek forgiveness from Allah thrice and say: “O Allah! You are peace, from you is peace, and you are exalted through yourself above all else, O majesty and beneficence.” (Muslim Shareef) (more hadeeths- check Absurul-Fatwa p60-64 v.3)
Consequently, one could draw from the above mentioned hadeeths, that supplicating to Allah after prayers, both obligatory prayers and optional prayers, is an act of Sunnah.

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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