Evidence for the validity of an Islamic Shari Council

CategoriesDivorce [779]

Fatwa ID: 01338

Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah


The is Sharee-Counsil in London can they do FASAAQH of my NIKAAH in London as this country is not a muslim country if they can then please answer my question with evidence from Qur’an and Sunaah if not then also give me the evidence from Qur’an and Sunaah. 



In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

An Islamic Shari Committee can annul a marriage if they have at least three just persons sitting therein.  They should all be knowledgeable and well versed in Shariah laws on marriage and divorce.  An annulment issued by such a committee is valid in the Shariah.   (The Complete System of Talaq p.211)

An annulment of marriage can be effected in any of the following situations:

  1. The husband is missing completely
  2. The husband is absent with no known whereabouts
  3. The husband is incapable of maintaining his wife
  4. The husband is unwilling to maintain his wife
  5. The husband oppresses the wife such that he does not fulfil her rights
  6. The husband is castrated
  7. The husband is impotent
  8. The husband is insane
  9. The husband is afflicted with leprosy or any other illness which makes living with him difficult
  10. The choice of an immature when he/she attains maturity
  11. Husband or wife become apostate
  12. Foster relationship which only becomes known after Nikah  

(The complete System of Divorce p.213)

The evidence for the validity of an Islamic Shari Council is derived from a Maliki jurisprudence book written by Shaikh Khalil Bin Ishaq called Mukhtasar al Khalil, in where it says that a woman whose husband has disappeared can take he case to the Islamic judge or to the leader and if the absence of the aforementioned two then to the Muslim congregation (i.e. a shari council) (p.163)

Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute.

In Britain divorce proceedings are carried out as follows:

  1. The petitioner (man or woman) writes to the court giving reasons for wanting to separate.
  2. The judge issues a letter titled ‘Divorce Petition) to the opposite part (respondent), putting forward any questions that need to be answered.
  3. If the respondent acknowledges the letter and signs it without answering the question.

Then the judge processes the case according to the law, and finding sufficient causes, will write that the marriage has broken down irrevocably unless sufficient cause is shown to the court within six weeks and that there is no opposition between the parties.  This is termed ‘Decree Nisi’.  If no one opposes this decree within this period, then the petitioner has to apply for the final decree and the judge issues a final and absolute divorce, which is termed ‘Decree Absolute’.  According to the law of the country, both are separate and their marriage is completely annulled.  They are now free to marry someone else.

Let us look at the issues in light of the sacred law:

  1. If it is the case, where the man files a petition for divorce in the county court ad demands separation, then in this, as the man has the right to divorce, he can use it or make someone else his representative.  So, it is as if he has made the judge his representative to divorce his wife.  It is not necessary that the representative be a Muslim, as is the case in the court of this country.  The divorce will take place issued by the judge and the woman can marry someone else after completing the waiting period (Iddah).  She does not need to take an Islamic divorce from her husband.
  2. If it is the case where the woman files a petition for divorce and when the court case begin proceedings, the man gives permission to the judge to proceed in clear terms, then in this case also the divorce will take place.
  3. The third issue is, if the man goes to his solicitors after having received the divorce petition to give a reply.  Generally, the solicitor advises clients of no benefit in defending the case except delay with financial implications, with the court issuing the divorce in any case.  Because of this, the solicitor writes that both husband and wife will separate or the husband signs and sends the divorce petition to the county court, willingly.  Therefore, in this case also the divorce will take place because of the willingness of the husband. 
  4. The fourth issue is, if the woman files for a divorce and the judge sends the divorce petition to the husband, but the husband defends his case and is not willing to divorce her, but despite this the judge issues a divorce.
  5. The fifth issue is, the husband acknowledges and accepts his mistake and is willing to fulfil her rights, but the judge issues a divorce.
  6. The sixth issue is, the man receives the divorce petition but does not proceed with the case nor does he do anything to show his willingness to divorce her, but the judge issues a divorce.
  7. The seventh issue is, if the woman files for divorce and the judge sends the divorce petition to the husband, but he refuses to defend his case and is not willing to divorce her, despite this the judge issues a divorce.

In the above four cases, according to Islamic law the husband and wife are still considered marred. The woman cannot marry another man. If she does, the marriage will be void and both will be considered living in sin. (Extracted from Asr Hadhir Ke Pechida Masaail p.25 – p.31 v.2)

According to the Shariah, an Islamic divorce would not occur at the granting of a decree nisi. However, from the date the decree absolute is granted, an Islamic divorce will occur and the woman’s iddat will also start.  (Asr Hadhir Ke Pechida Masaail p.31 v.2)

The conclusion we can come to is that if you do not proceed with the decree absolute your nikah and marriage is still intact as a decree nisi does not effect a divorce. However, if you proceeded if a decree absolute then an Islamic divorce will occur.

Now the question is what type of divorce will occur?

The words which effect divorce are of two types:
1) Clear and plain words (sareeh)
2) Ambiguous and allusive words (kinaya)
Sareeh means expressly pronouncing the word divorce or words derived from it, such as: “I divorce you” or “you are divorced” etc… Clear and plain words effect divorce whether one intends divorce by them or not. (Hidayah  p.359 v.2 & Fatawa Hindiyyah p.354 v.1)

Kinaya means using words that are not exclusively prescribed for issuing divorce, but alludes and hints to it. Kinaya words do not effect divorce unless one intends divorce by them or it is determined by the circumstance one is in. (Hidayah p.373 v.2 & Fatawa Hindiyyah p.374 v.1)

The kinaya words effect a talaq bain (irrevocable divorce) when one intends divorce by them. (Hidayah p.374 v.2)

The answer to the earlier question depends on what kind of words the judge uses to dissolve the marriage. If he uses words such as “I have thereby granted a divorce etc…” then one talaq rajee will occur. Thus, along with the earlier talaq rajee which you gave her in 2006 you would have given your wife two clear and revocable divorces. The marriage in this situation will be considered to be intact until your wife’s iddat (three menstruation cycle) finishes. Thereafter, the marriage will break and you can get back together again by redoing the marriage in the presence of two male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses. Also a new dowry will have to be set.  

If the judge uses the words “separation” or “dissolve” etc…. then a talaq bain will occur straightaway and the nikah will break. You can redo the marriage within her iddat or afterwards in the presence of two male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses. Also a new dowry will have to be set.  (Fatawa Hindiyyah p.472 v.1)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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