Finding A Little Wet Patch On Trousers After Salah

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07574



Answered by: Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar




Salaam, so I cleaned myself properly after using the toilet and did wudu as usual for Zuhr Salah. During the prayer, I thought I had something come out of me but I knew it was just me overthinking and whispers from the Shaytaan. So I ignored it and carried on praying. But it wasn’t until after salah, I found a small wet patch at the back of my trousers. I smelled it but it didn’t have any urine smell so I’m a bit confused as to what this is and when it came out. I am certain I didn’t feel anything come out of my private parts. But when I thought I felt something during salah, it was from the front side, not the back. So did this invalidate my wudu and prayer and do I have to repeat it? 


The whole making wudu and reading salah is getting a bit tiring for me and annoying as this has happened before and I had to renew my wudu and repeat the prayer as the wetness the previous time did smell of urine but this second time round, it didn’t so I’m really confused. I also suffer from air bubbles from the back passage and have been for a while now so that’s another reason as to why prayer feels like such a chore for me even though it shouldn’t. I didn’t redo my wudu or repeat the prayer because of how tiring I feel because of it. Please can you help me with this issue? 




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Waswas regarding tahārah (purification) can be very difficult to deal with and can understandably be frustrating. May Allah make it easy for you. 


The key principle in Islam regarding purification is that certainty cannot be overruled by doubt. So, if you are certain that you performed wudu, but unsure if anything came out of your body to break it, you should ignore the doubt and proceed with the prayer. Only when you have clear evidence that your wudu has been broken (such as feeling something or seeing something impure) would you need to renew it.


In your case, since you found a small wet patch but it didn’t have a urine smell and you didn’t feel anything coming out, you can stick with your certainty that your wudu is valid. Shaytaan often tries to make us doubt things to cause frustration, and it’s important to not let this affect your prayers.


You mentioned that in a previous instance, the wetness did smell like urine, which would indicate that wudu was broken at that time, so renewing wudu and repeating the prayer was the right thing to do in that case.


Regarding air bubbles from the back passage, as long as no air passes through, your wudu would be valid. If this is a recurring issue for you, only redo your wudu if you hear or smell something.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






نهاية الوصول في دراية الأصول ٤/‏١٥٧٤ — الصفي الهندي

وفيه نظر، لأن المعنى من قولنا: اليقين لا يزال بالشك، أن اليقين الذي كان ثابتا قبل ما به الشك لا يزال بالشك، ولا مع ما به الشك لا يبقى اليقين قطعًا، ونظائره في الاستعمال كثيرة لا تخفى عليك، وحينئذ لا يصح المنع، لأن تيقن الدخول كان ثابتًا قبل الاستثناء وفاقًا.



شرح سنن النسائي – الراجحي ٩/‏١٢ 

هذا الحديث أخذ منه أهل العلم قاعدة شرعية تبنى عليها الأحكام وهي: أن اليقين لا يزول بالشك، وأنه يجب البقاء على اليقين وعلى الأصل حتى يأتي يقين آخر يدفع هذا اليقين، فاليقين لا يزول بالشك، وهذه قاعدة من قواعد الفقه العظيمة.








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