Finding Out About a Mufti’s Sin

CategoriesKnowledge [363]

Fatwa ID: 06472


Answered by: Maulana Nazrul Islam




Asalamoualaikum Mufti Sahab.


I wanted some advice actually. It is usually advised that a layman should seek a scholar who is known for his knowledge and is pious. Once he finds such, he sticks to the Mufti and goes according to him in all rulings.


If a layman has put his trust in a single Mufti. The Mufti is very knowledgeable and is very versatile in Ifta, i.e, issuing of fatwas. The Mufti is in touch with all Hanafi fatwa books from previous Jurists and is more knowledgeable than other Muftis with stronger opinions closer to Jurists’ explanations while giving fatwas. The person has started to trust him and developed a good relationship and starts acting according to all his rulings only. After some time (like two years later), he learned about the sins and realities of the Mufti. Can he still continue taking rulings from the same Mufti regardless of his sins if he is still versatile in Iftaa and disregard his sins will all the fatwa be valid and can the Mufti be still regarded as reliable for delivering fatwas?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Imam Nawawi writes; among the regulations of a mufti is that he should be a responsible Muslim, trustworthy, sound, and free from any causes of apparent immorality (Fisq). (1)


From this, we can understand that it is best for us to take Fatawa from righteous Muftis.


However, if we took Fatawa from a Mufti and then found out he’s an open transgressor, all of his previous Fatawa are valid and are not void. (2)


We should always keep in mind not to look for people’s faults, if we do find out something bad about anyone, we should not judge them.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Nazrul Islam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






(1)فصل فِي شُرُوط الْمُفْتِي

شَرط الْمُفْتِي كَونه مُكَلّفا مُسلما ثِقَة مَأْمُونا متنزِّهاً عَن أَسبَاب الْفسق وخوارم الْمُرُوءَة فقيهَ النَّفس سليمَ الذِّهْن رصينَ الفِكر صَحِيح التَّصَرُّف والاستنباط متيقظاً سواءٌ فِيهِ الحرُّ وَالْعَبْد وَالْمَرْأَة وَالْأَعْمَى والأخرس إِذا كتب أَو فهمت إِشَارَته

قَالَ الشَّيْخ أَبُو عَمْرو ابْن الصّلاح وَيَنْبَغِي أَن يكون كالراوي فِي أَنه لَا يُؤثر فِيهِ قرَابَة وعداوة وجرّ نفع وَدفع ضرّ لِأَن الْمُفْتِي فِي حكم مخبرٌ عَن الشَّرْع بِمَا لَا اخْتِصَاص لَهُ بشخص فَكَانَ كالراوي

آداب الفتوى والمفتي والمستفتي ،ص١٩، دار الفكر



(2)الاجتهاد لا ينقض بمثله

القواعد الفقهية ص٧٢






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