Finding The Tiniest Spec Of Blood After Salah

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07313



Answered by: Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




So I went to the toilet, cleaned myself properly like a good couple of times before I had performed wudu for Asr salah and it was only until after I had finished, I dabbed some tissue on my private area just to check that no discharge or urine came out whilst in prayer as I had felt wetness during the salah but I was certain nothing came out, and I found the tiniest spec of red on my tissue like the size of fluff but way smaller than that.


Does this invalidate my salah as I don’t know where this could’ve come from as I had made sure to clean myself fully before I prayed so I don’t understand where this redness has come from? I really want my salah to be valid so please tell me if it is and weather I could perform maghrib with this wudu as there is no sign of my period coming anytime soon.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




In Islam, maintaining cleanliness (Taharah) is essential for the validity of Salah. If you performed Wudu properly and ensured cleanliness before praying, your efforts align with the teachings of Islam. The Qur’an emphasises the importance of cleanliness in Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:222: “Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves.”



According to Hanafi Fiqh, minor impurities, especially those that are negligible in amount, do not invalidate Salah. The presence of a tiny speck of blood, which you described as being the size of fluff or smaller, falls under this category.



It is considered a minor impurity and does not break Wudu or invalidate Salah. This is based on the principle of ease and the understanding that minor impurities do not hinder the acceptance of Salah.1



If you checked for impurities after completing Salah and found a negligible amount, it does not affect the validity of your Salah. Hanafi Fiqh emphasises that as long as you were not aware of the impurity during the prayer and it was not something that would generally flow or spread, your prayer remains valid.



The blood you mentioned, could verily well be from the rigorous wiping and a slight breakage of skin.



Since the amount of blood was negligible and it did not flow, your Wudu remains valid for the subsequent prayer. There is no need to repeat Wudu for Maghrib prayer. This is in line with the Hanafi view that small, non-flowing impurities do not break Wudu.



Therefore, your Asr Salah is valid. The tiny speck of blood you found does not invalidate your prayer, as it is considered a minor impurity.



Your Wudu remains valid for Maghrib prayer, as the minor impurity found does not break Wudu according to Hanafi Fiqh.



You can perform your Maghrib prayer with the same Wudu. However, if you feel uncertain or uncomfortable, performing Wudu again is always an option to ensure peace of mind. Remember, Islam provides ease, and Allah does not wish to place you in difficulty (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:185).



Always strive for cleanliness and purity to the best of your ability, and trust that Allah is aware of your efforts and intentions.



1 وإن امتلأت تلك الحمصة دما وقيحها وامتلأت الورقة ما لم يسل من حول تلك العصابة أو ينفذ منها دم أو قيح سائل واما ظهور ذلك الدم وذلك القيح على الخرقة من غير أن يسيل منها فهو نظير ظهور ذلك من الجرح نفسه فإنه غير ناقض كما تقدم بيانه ويؤيد هذا ما في خزانة الروايات في الجراحة البسيطة إذا خرج الدم من جانب وتجاوز إلى جانب آخر لكن لم يصل إلى موضع صحيح فإنه لا ينقض الوضوء لانه لم يصل إلى موضع يلحقه حكم التطهير انتهى وفى مسئلتنا لو حل العصابة واخرج الورقة والخرقة ووجد فيهما دما أو قيحا لولا الربط لسال في غالب ظنه انتقض وضوءه في وقت الحل لا قبل ذلك وحكم بنجاسة تلك الورقة والخرقة حينئذ لمفارقتها موضع الجراحة وقد انفصلت النجاسة عن موضعها فحكم بها وقبل ذلك وهى مربوطة لم تنفصل النجاسة عن موضعها فلا حكم لها واما قول الفقهاء وإن علا الدم ونحوه على رأس الجرح فازيل بقطنة أو اهالة تراب عليه ونحو ذلك لوكان بحال إذا ترك سال بنفسه نقض الوضوء والا فلا ينقض


ص64 – كتاب الفوائد المخصصة بأحكام كي الحمصة ط إسطنبول – تصفح الكتاب – المكتبة الشاملة




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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