Food Remaining In Ones Mouth After Suhoor Has Ended

CategoriesSawm (fast) [322]

Fatwa ID: 07298



Answered by: Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad




So I was having my suhoor to fast on the day of Arafah which was on the 15th of June. I had little tiny bits of nuts in my mouth and I was trying my hardest to get them out. This was after Fajr or just two minutes after Fajr time I think. But I think some of the nuts went down my throat and I was too lazy to get up. When I eventually did, I rinsed my mouth but there was still some lingering around. Is my fast invalidated because of this?


I tried my hardest to stop them from going down my throat but it was out of my control I felt like. Please can you help with this? I really, really wanted to keep a fast on this special day and I feel like my fast broke which made me really upset and cry. I did still carry on with my fast but please can you advise me on this? May Allah reward you. 



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




While in the state of fasting, a remnant of food stuck between the teeth goes down the throat. It will break the fast if it is equal to a chickpea or bigger in size. If it is smaller in size it will not break the fast. If he takes the remnant out of his mouth and then eats it, it will break the fast irrespective of the size.


الفتاوى الهندية (1/ 202):

وإن أكل ما بين أسنانه لم يفسد إن كان قليلا وإن كان كثيرا يفسد، والحمصة وما فوقها كثير، وما دونها قليل، وإن أخرجه، وأخذه بيده ثم أكل ينبغي أن يفسد كذا في الكافي، وفي الكفارة أقاويل قال الفقيه – رحمه الله تعالى -: والأصح أنه لاتجب الكفارة كذا في الخلاصة.



Only Allahتعالي Knows Best.

Written by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham








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