What Is Ruling on Doing a Hajj Simulation With Model Kabah To Teach Kids

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [303]

Fatwa ID: 07243



Answered by: Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar




What is ruling on doing a hajj simulation with model kaba to teach kids?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Hajj simulation is a common practice within American-Muslim communities and perhaps even in other countries. In it, a model of the Ka’bah, Safa and Marwa, and other major sites are set-up and then shown to younger children who perform a mock-Hajj. Through this is a set-up, children are able to learn about the rituals of Hajj in a way that is engaging and helps them learn more efficiently than if they were to simply read about it.


Since this is done with the intention to teach children, there is no harm in it as long as the children are told that the model Ka’bah, etc. don’t have any real significance. They must be taught about the importance of the Ka’bah and respecting it so that they don’t have any misunderstandings in this regard.



القواعد الفقهية بين الأصالة والتوجيه ٢/‏٣ 

إذًا: معنى قاعدة الأمور بمقاصدها: أن أحوال وشئون الإنسان في أفعاله تترتب على نيته، وفي عرف الفقهاء: الأمور بمقاصدها يعني: أعمال المكلف، والفرق بين القواعد الفقهية وبين القواعد الأصولية، أن القواعد الأصولية: تهتم بدلالات اللفظ مثل: الأصل في الأمر الوجوب، الأصل في النهي التحريم.



بغية المقتصد شرح بداية المجتهد ١/‏٩٥ 

واستخرَجوا منه القاعدةَ الفقهيةَ العظيمةَ:»الأُمُورُ بمَقَاصدها«(٥)، وجَعَلوها أوَّلَ القَوَاعد الفقهيَّة الأساسيَّة الخمسة التي تُرَدُّ إليها الفروع الفقهية، ف:

القاعدة الأولى:»الأمور بمقاصدها«.




Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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