Having Vulgar Thoughts

Categories'Aqaid [225]

Fatwa ID: 04128

Answered by: Maulana Tahsin Alam




Using vulgar things in the process of thinking. Because an individual may denounce Christianity by thinking within himself that if God had a son that would imply that God has a genital organ with shape, hair, and appearance like that of human beings and he may bring to his mind the exact image of a human genital organ in the context that God would have that if he had a son. Or he may recall the exact voice, words, and sound intonation of an individual that has insulted God with the ** word in the context of thinking how evil the people of our times are. Please clarify if this manner of thinking is kufr, major, minor, or not sinful at all?



بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The Prophet (SAW) has said in a Hadith Qudsi, “Allah SWT has overlooked for my ummah whatever their nafs speaks to them as long as they do not talk or act upon it, and whoever strives to commit a sin then fails, it is as if he has committed it.”[1]


Based on this Hadith your questions can be answered:-

1. Any evil thoughts which appear or remain on a person’s mind unintentionally is forgiven.[2]

2. If one imagines committing a sin with the intention of doing it, but does not do it (for Allah SWT), they will be rewarded.

3. Intentionally imagining such things in such a scenario is a sin, even though one may not believe in them. It is not kufr but it is feared that it may lead to it as it undermines the greatness of Allah SWT.

If you do face such issues, it will be advisable for you to ward off these thoughts by constantly saying the ta’awudh (A’udubillahimin al-shaytaan al-rajim) and by keeping yourself busy in other affairs. You will not be held accountable for these unintentional thoughts.



Only Allah Ta'ala knows best.

Written by Moulana Tahsin Alam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





[1]Ibn Rajab, Jami’ ‘Uloom-iwalHikam (Lebanon: Darul Kotob Ilmiyah, 2007) pg. 400.


[2]Nawawi, Al-Adhkar.


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