Hifdh and Du’aa

CategoriesQur'an [177]
I am currently doing hifz of the Quran.

  1. What advice could you give me?
  2. Could you tell me some dua’s to increase my memory capacity?

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.


Allah (SWT) has stated in the Quran “We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition).” (54: 17)

The above verse clearly states that the Quran has been made easy to memorize, then why is it that many of us find it difficult? The knowledge of the Quran is a source of light and a blessing from Allah (SWT). Therefore, Allah (SWT) will not grant this knowledge to a person who does not refrain from sinful acts.

It has been reported by Tirmidhi and Haakim that Ibn Abbass (RA) reports that he was once in the company of the Prophet (SAW) when Ali (RA) came in and said “O Prophet of Allah (SAW), You are dearer to me than my father and mother. I try to memorize the Quran but cannot do so as it vanishes from my memory”.

The Prophet (SAW) said “Shall I tell you of a method which will benefit you as well as those to whom it is conveyed by you? You will then be able to retain whatever you learn”.  At the request of Ali (RA) the Prophet (SAW) said “when the night preceding Friday comes, rise up in its last third portion, if possible, for that would be excellent.  This is the best part of the night as this is the time when the angels descend, and prayers are specially granted at this hour.  It was for this time that Yaqub (AS) had been waiting when he had said to his sons that he would, in the near future, pray to his Lord for forgiveness for them.  If it is difficult to get up at that time then you should do so in the middle part of the night, and if that is not possible, offer the four rakat in the early part of the night.  After reciting Surah Fatihah in each rak’at, Surah Yaseen should be recited in the first rak’at, Surah Dukhan in the second. Surah Alif-Laam-Meem in the third and Surah Mulk in the fourth.  After completing At-Tahiyaat you should praise and glorify Allah (SWT) abundantly, invoke peace and blessings on me and on all the Prophets and seek forgiveness for all believers and those Muslims who have passed away and then recite the following dua:-

TranslationO Allah, have mercy on me by enabling me to avoid sins as long as You keep me alive; and have mercy on me by enabling me to avoid falling into things with which I am not concerned; and grant me the aesthetic sight in those things that will cause You to be pleased with me.

O Allah, the originator of the heavens and earth, master of majesty and benevolence and possessor of dignity, which is incomprehensible.  I beseech You O Allah, O beneficent one, in the name of your majesty and of the light of your countenance to cause my heart to memorize your book as you have taught me and grant me that I may be able to recite it in such a manner which will cause you to be pleased with me.

O Allah, the originator of the heavens and earth, master of majesty and benevolence and possessor of dignity, which is incomprehensible.  I beseech you O Allah, O beneficent one, in the name of your majesty and of the light of your countenance to illuminate my vision (with the noor) of Your Book, and set my tongue free with its (fluent) recital, and to remove the grief of my heart with it, and to enlighten my mind me with it, and to wash away (the sins of) my body with it.  Certainly there is none except You to support me in (attaining) the truth, and none except You can give it to me.  And there is no protection (against evil) and no power (to do good) except with the help of Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.

The Prophet (SAW) further said to Ali (RA), “Repeat this act for three, five or seven Fridays. If Allah (SWT) wills your prayer will certainly be granted. I swear by Him who made me prophet that the acceptance of a believer’s prayer will never be missed.”

Ibn Abbas (RA) reports that hardly had five or seven Fridays passed when Ali (RA) came to the Prophet (SAW) and said, “Previously I used to learn about four Ayaat but I was not able to retain them and now I learn about forty and I can remember them as clearly as if I have the Quran open before me. Previously when I heard a Hadith and then repeated it, I could not retain it and now I hear Ahaadith and when I narrate them to others I do not miss a single word.”

Inshallah if you act upon the above Hadith and be engaged in the zikr of Allah (SWT) and refrain from sins, then through Allah’s mercy and blessing your memory capacity will increase enabling you to memorize and retain the knowledge of the Quran.

Allah knows best

Sayeedur Rahman

Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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