How many days Qadha one has to do if he broke a Sunnah Itikaf

CategoriesSawm (fast) [322]

Fatwa ID: 01363

Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah


A person was performing sunnah itikaf during the last 10 days of Ramadan. He broke his itikaf after 8days due to illness. • Does he have to make qada for the Itikaf? • If so, for how many days, 2 days or 10 days? • If qada is necessary, is it required to be in Ramadan or can it be at any time in the year?



In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

Itikaf means literally to retreat and Islamically means to enter the mosque with the intention of worship.  (Raddul Muhtar p.428 v.3)

There are three types of Itikaf:

  1. Wajib: To vow or pledge to enter the mosque for the sake of Allah upon the fulfilment of some vow or wish.  The least duration of wajib Itikaf is one day and night and it must be accompanied by a fast.
  2. Sunnat Muakkada: To reside the last ten days and nights of Ramadhan in the Mosque is Sunnat Muakkadah Al-Kifayah.  If a person from the community fulfils it, the obligation from the entire community will be uplifted.  If not, all will be sinful.
  3. Mustuhub or Nafl: This Itikaf can be done for any amount of time, even for a few minutes.  Fasting is not a condition for this type of Itikaf.  (Raddul Muhtar p.430-p.431 v.3)

If a person broke a Sunnah Itikaf, he will have to do qadha for that day in which he broke his Itikaf. In other words he will only do qadha of one day. The qadha of this Itikaf can be done in the month of Ramadhan or after. (Ahsanul Fatawa p.502 v.4) However, some scholars are of the view that it is best to do qadha of all the ten days. (Fatawa Rahimiyah p.110 v.3)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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