How Soon After the Janazah Salaah Should the Burial Take Place?

CategoriesDeath & Burial [177]

Fatwa ID: 07171


Answered by: Muftiyah Aabedah Khatun




How soon after the Janazah Salaah should burial take place?


Deceased person’s daughters arrive at 12:30pm


Body will already be at Masjid for Janazah Salaah.


Family will want the body at home for the daughters to view before burial.


So after Janazah Salaah can they take the body home and bury about 1 hour later?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




In regards to how long the burial can be delayed, there is no set time, however scholars have mentioned that it is makruh (disliked) to delay the burial of the deceased unless there is a valid reason to do so. Therefore, one should not delay the burial of the deceased.


This is due to the words of the prophet (s.a.w):


أَسْرِعُوا بِالْجِنَازَةِ، فَإِنْ تَكُ صَالِحَةً فَخَيْرٌ تُقَدِّمُونَهَا ‏{‏إِلَيْهِ‏}‏، وَإِنْ يَكُ سِوَى ذَلِكَ فَشَرٌّ تَضَعُونَهُ عَنْ رِقَابِكُمْ


Hasten with the dead body for if it was righteous, you are forwarding it to welfare; and if it was otherwise, then you are putting off an evil thing down your necks.

(Sahih Bukhari – hadith 1315)



وحد التعجيل المسنون أن يسرع به بحيث لا يضطرب الميت على الجنازة للحديث “‏ أَسْرِعُوا بِالْجِنَازَةِ، فَإِنْ كانت صَالِحَةً قَدِّمُتموهَا ‏إِلَى الخير وَإِنْ كانت غير ذَلِكَ فَشَرٌّ تَضَعُونَهُ عَنْ رِقَابِكُمْ” والأفضل ان يعجل بتجهيزه كله من حين يموت

(Raddul Muhtar – volume 3 – page 136 – DKI)





Only Allah knows best.

Written by Muftiyah Aabedah Khatun

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham








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