How To Deal With a Semen Leakage Problem

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06404


Answered by: Alimah Zakiratul Hoque




My brother is suffering from a semen leakage problem. His sperm leaks without control or without sexual arousal. He can’t keep his ablution to the next salah. So, can that leaking semen make his clothes impure or spoil his ablution?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




He is considered Ma’zoor (excused) if he experiences semen leakage for a full Salaah time.


شرط ثبوت العذر ابتداء أن يستوعب استمراره وقت الصلاة كاملا و هو الأظهر كالانقطاع لا يثبت ما لم يستوعب الوقت كله و شرط بقائه أن لا يمضي عليه وقت فرض إلا و الحدث ابتلي به يوجد فيه


“The condition for the validity of an excuse is that it continues for a full Salaah time…and the condition of ‘continuing’ is that a Fardh prayer time does not pass except that the impurity which he is experiencing is present” (Fawata Hindiya, Vol 1, Pg 45)


He should do the following:


يتوضؤون لوقت كل صلاة و يصلون بذلك الوضوء في الوقت ما شاؤوا من الفرائض و النوافل


“He should perform Wudhu for every Salaah time and pray with that Wudhu in that time whatever he wishes from the Faraaidh and Nawaafil.” (Fawata Hindiya, Vol 1, Pg 46)


Similarly, if any other breaker of Wudhu occurs, Wudhu will need to be repeated.


As for his clothing:


النجاسة الغليظة إذا زادت على قدر الدرهم في الثوب المصلي أو بدنه تمنع جواز الصلاة ، و قدر الدرهم و ما دونه لا يمنع عندنا للضرورة ،و لكن تكره الصلاة معها أذا كان عالما بها و قادرا على غسلها


“Heavy impurity, if it exceeds the amount of a dirham on the clothes of the Musalli or his body, prevents the permissibility of prayer. And the amount of a Dirham or less does not prevent it in our view due to necessity, but it is disliked to pray with it when one is aware of it and able to wash it.” (Mukhtarat Al Nawazil, Vol 1, Pg 165)


المنى نجس عندنا نطهر بالفرك و الدلك إذا يبس على الخف و الثوب ،و إن كان رطبا لا يطهر إلا بالغسل


“Semen is impure, in our view and it is purified by rubbing it if it’s dry. It cannot be purified except by washing if it’s wet.” (Mukhtarat Al Nawaazil, Vol 1, Pg 181) (Raddul Mukhtaar, Vol 2, Pg 312)



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Zakiratul Hoque

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham








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