Husband Saying Choir Dain to His Wife

CategoriesDivorce [779]

Fatwa ID: 07856


Answered by: Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




Me and my wife was having an argument. She kept asking me “chor dain” (leave me) in urdu and i replied “if you want. You can have it”. I didnt mean any talaaq by these words. She didnt say “i want it” in response and i am not sure if she said “chor dain” (leave me) again in the setting after this. All i know is that i never intend to talaaq. by saying this “if you want. you can have it” my intent was to scare her and didnt really mean it. Maybe i wanted her to know that if she wants it then only i can give her that or maybe it meant khula but it was no where a conditional thing. There was no mention of divorce from my side in that chat. Please let me know if divorce can fall from this. 




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




In Hanafi Fiqh, the validity of divorce (talaq) depends on the explicitness of the words used, the intention behind them, and the clarity of the context.


Clear and explicit words like “I divorce you” (talaq) or their equivalents in any language result in divorce, regardless of intent. The words “If you want, you can have it” are not explicit words of divorce.


If the words used are ambiguous (like “If you want, you can have it”), then the intention behind the words is crucial in determining whether talaq has occurred.[1]


In your case, you explicitly stated that, you did not intend talaq, you claimed that your words were meant to “scare her” or convey frustration, not an actual divorce.[2]


In summary, since you both were unclear on your intentions, and no clear intentional words were used for divorce, your divorce will not have taken place




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






[1] راط كما ا

e‏ (قولةُ: ور كه اظ ضر هر ا مل دال غل م الطلاق ۽ ين صري ر کناية» فخرّج افوخ على ما مر اراد الفط ولو كما لدع لکا الستبينة وإشارة الأحرس» والإاشارة إلى العَدَدٍ بالأصابع في قوله: أنتٍ طالق هَكذا كم

حاشية ابن عابدين رد المحتار على الدر المختار

Page 102حاشية%20ابن%20عابدين%20-%20فرفور/page/n101/mode/2up?q=طلاق+كناية



[2] ٢٣٦٩٠ – قلنا: لا يمتنع أن يكون كناية في الطلاق وينعقد به غيره كما أنه كناية في الطلاق، ويجوز أن ينعقد به الظهار ولأنه كناية في الطلاق وصريح في اليمين عندنا لا يحمل عليها بغير نية وهذا غير ممتنع كما أن لفظ الحرية صريح في العتق وكناية في الطلاق والمعنى في سائر الكنايات أن كفارة اليمين لا يتعلق بها فلم تكن يمينًا. ولما وجب بحكم هذا اللفظ كفارة اليمين في الزوجات كان يمينًا.


ص4898 – كتاب التجريد للقدوري – مسألة إذا قال أنت علي حرام ولا نية له في الطلاق – المكتبة الشاملة









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