I get doubts of najasa staying stuck to my legs after ghusl

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 03140

Answered by:  Maulana Shadman Ahmed​


Due to having a waswasa problem, it takes me a long time to do a lot of things that are associated with religion such as Salaah, wudhu, ghusl etc. Recently I've been trying to reduce the time it takes me to do ghusl and wudhu and I asked for advice from a brother I know.

When I am doing ghusl, after I have washed my private area I wash my legs as well with soap just in case the sperm did not wash off properly (I have hairy legs). The brother I know said to me that once I have washed off the sperm from my private area I'm clean so I don't need to wash my legs as well. He said that once the impurity is removed from where it was you have done your bit and don't need to worry about it not washing off from other parts of the body. Is this true? You may wonder why I'm asking such a question but sometimes it takes ages to wash my legs due to waswasa.

Also, can you please give me some tips on how to do wudhu and ghusl quickly. Due to the waswasa it is emotionally draining when your imam weakens day by day no matter how much ibadah you do.


In The Name Of Allah, The Most-Merciful, The Most Kind


If the sperm got onto your legs or any other part of your body, then you must clean that impurity.[1] If you think that that sperm did not get onto your legs then there is no need to soap and wash your legs so rigorously. The way you should be doing ghusl is that once you have washed and cleaned a part of your body then don’t return back to it no matter what doubts and waswasahs you get. So, once you have washed your legs then don’t return to the legs. When sperm gets on the body and water flows over it, it becomes very easy to come out with the water even if the legs are hairy. You do not need to spend too much time on it or do it so meticulously. Just the fact that the legs have water flowing over them will remove most of the impurities itself. This applies to wudu also that once you have a limb do not return to it and remember just flowing of water over the complete limb will be valid as washing in wudu.

“Certainty is not lifted by a doubt.”[2]

Therefore, with regards to your questions, unless you can clearly and visibly see any semen or impurity on the body or know for a sure fact that you didn’t wash a limb, you should presume that that action is come and limb to be pure and clean.


Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Shadman Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

[1]تطهيرالنجاسة واجب من بدن المصلي و ثوب هو المكان الذي يصلي عليه

Al-Hidāyah, volume 1, page 36, Dār al-Turāth al-‘Arabi

[2] Al-Ashbāhwa an-Nazāir page 60

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