Is Being a Fan of an Actor/Celebrity Haram Since They May Promote Sins

CategoriesMiscellaneous [821]

Fatwa ID: 06298


Answered by: Mufti Muhammad Asadullah Anwar Adam




Is being a fan of an actor/celebrity haram since they may promote sins (not the fan of the sins promoted)?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





As a Muslim, things that bring no benefit in this world or the hereafter such as being a fan of an actor should be avoided. Furthermore, if they do promote sins, it is wrong to support them because even if you don’t condone the sin you are still supporting one who may bring others to sin.


Being a fan of someone who commits sins at its best just wastes your time and at its worst unconsciously brings you to accept or take part in sin.



Only Allah knows the best

Written by Mufti Muhammad Asadullah Anwar Adam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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