Fatwa ID: 01926
Answered by Molana Ishaaq Hussain
1) Is it necessary for the Saffs for janazah salaah to be straightened as the saff for normal salaah?
2) Is passing in front of the musalli in janazah salaah serious as the other salaah?
3) Who has got more right to pray the janazah salaah on a mayyit; the imam of the locality or the wali of the mayyit?
4) In the case where the mayyit is from another locality, which imam has the priority, the local imam or the imam of that particular locality?
5) Is it Mustahab to make special journey to visit the graves of the awliyah?
6) Is it mustahab to cover with a cloth the grave of such girls who did not yet reach the age of puberty, but they have sexual desires (similar to those matured girls)?
Straightening the rows is a command which has been given for all types of salaah that are prayed in congregation. There are many Ahadeeth regarding this issue.
Sayyidna Numaan Ibn Bashir narrates that the Prophet of Allah
used to straighten their rows. One day as he came out, he saw a man’s chest bulging out of the row. He said, “Straighten your rows otherwise Allah will put your faces in different directions.” (Sunan Tirmidhi p. 53 v. 1)
It is stated that Sayyidna Umar would designate someone to make sure that the rows are straightened. The takbir of the prayer would not start unless he was informed that all the rows were straight. Similarly, Sayyidna Uthman
and Sayyidna Ali
would instruct people to either move forward or back when checking the rows. (Sunan Tirmidhi p.53 v.1)
From the aforementioned ahadeeth we can derive the importance of straightening the row and that the Prophet of Allah would make sure that the rows are straight before commencing the prayers. The ruling of straightening the rows will also apply to the Funeral prayer.
Answer 2
Sayyidna Abu Juhaym reports that the Prophet of Allah
has said, “If one who passes in front of another who is praying knew the punishment against what he does then he would prefer to stand still for forty years rather than pass in front of him.” The narrator says, “I do not know if he said forty days, months or years.” (Sunan Tirmidhi p 79 v 1)
The prohibition of passing in front of a another person’s prayer is for the daily prayers that one offers. (This includes Fardh, sunnans and nawaafil prayers that one usually offers daily) The prohibition is not for the funeral prayer, and in this prayer the sutrah of the imam is sufficient for the followers. (Ahsanul Fatawah p. 229 v. 4)
Answer 3 and 4.
Who deserves to lead the Funeral Prayer ?
The ruler is the most worthy to lead the Janazah Salah of the deceased. If he is not present, then the governor or ruler of that particular place is worthy to lead the prayer. Then it will be the Qadhi (judge) then the imam of the locality then the guardian (or the family member responsible for the deceased) provided they are male. (Raddul Muhtar p.119-p.120 v.3 & Nurul Idah p.128)
The one with the most right to lead the Janazah Salah may give permission to others to lead the Salah. And if the one with the lesser rights leads the Janazah Salah without permission, then the one with the most right may repeat the prayer if he wishes and the people who prayed the first time with another imam are not required to repeat the prayer should it be repeated. (Raddul Muhtar p.123 v.3)
Answer 5.
Visiting the graveyard is a mustahab act. By visiting the graves, one’s love for the Dunya decreases, and concern for the hereafter increases.
Sayyidah Aisha narrates: “Whenever it was my turn to stay with the Prophet of Allah
, he would make his way to Jannatul Bakee at the end portion of the night and he would recite the following dua, “ Peace be upon you, Oh you believers dwelling here! That which was promised to you for tomorrow has come to you. The time for that was determined. And we will join you for sure , Insha Allah… Oh Allah forgive the residents of Bakee Garkad” (Sahih Muslim p 313 v 1 )
From this Hadeeth we learn that it is preferable to visit the graves of the dead, and to send peace upon them, and to supplicate for them… (Sharh Nawawi p 313 v 1)
With regards to your question, visiting the graves of the Awliya is permissible, but unfortunately, these kind of places are filled with wrong doings, innovations and sometimes act are committed which can lead to Shirk and Kufr. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid such places, and if one wishes to to supplicate for a Wali etc then he should send Isale Thawab or make dua for them from the comforts of his home. (Fatawah Mahmoodiyyah p 199 v 9)
Answer 6
It is not Mustahab nor preferable to put a cloth on the grave of a person. Whether it be a female or male.
Only Allah Knows Best
Written by Molana Ishaaq Hussain
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham.