Is It Permissible for a Muslim To Set Up a Credit Card a Company With the Intention of Giving Away the Interest Money to a Non-Islamic Charity?

CategoriesTrade, Business & All Things Money [775]

Fatwa ID: 07072


Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Haroon Hussain




Suppose there is a financial company that offers a credit card, but additionally requires the client to set up a banking account that periodically deposits interest payments. The company gives interest to the client even if they keep $0 in their banking account. Would it be permissible for a Muslim to set up a credit card with this company with the intention of giving away the interest money immediately to a non-Islamic charity? And would it be permissible for a Muslim to work for a financial company that sets up these types of accounts?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




It is permissible to open such an account due to need and it is disliked without necessity.


If the financial company only deals with making these sorts of accounts, then you should not work for them. However, if they do other forms of work, some of which are permissible and some which are not, then you may work for them and if possible, you should work out what amount of the income is from haraam income and donate that to charity without the intention of reward.1



You may find the following fatwa of Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah sahib to be a beneficial read:

Is It Permissible to Have Savings Account Under Islamic Finance Scheme – Darul Ifta Birmingham



Only Allah knows best

Written by Mufti Mohammed Haroon Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







1 إذا كان رد المال الحرام واجبا على صاحبه ثم إنه لم يرده وبقى المال الحرام في يده وليست له مطالب من العباد ففي هذه الصورة تجب زكاة هذا المال ويجب رد هذا المال إلى مالكه إذا كان معلوما وإلا تصدق به بدون نية الثواب والأصل في المال الحرام أن يرد إلى مالكه إذا كان معلوما وإلا يتصدق به وإذا اختلط المال الحرام بالمال الحلال فيعين مقدار المال الحلال بالتحرى وغلبة الظن عليه وعلى مقدار المال الحرام حتى يحصل اليقين في أداء الزكاة الواجبة ولا يجد من يستفيد من أموال الناس عن طريق الظلم والحرام تشجيعا وبذلك يستفيد آكل المال الحرام بفائدتين فائدة الانتفاع بالمال الحرام وفائدة عدم وجوب الزكاة عليه

ص90 – كتاب الفتاوى الاقتصادية – قرار رقم









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