Fatwa ID: 07930
Answered by Aalimah Saleha Bukhari Islam
if there is a tear in the khuff equal to the size of only one small tough and the the tear is such, that the foot is exposed, will masah be allowed ? or only when it is equal to 3 small tough ?
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
It is not permissible to wipe (do masah) over a leather sock (Khuff) that has large holes or tears exposing the size of three of a man’s toes. However, the exposure of anything less than the measure of three toes of a man permits the wiping over the leather sock. [1]
Since Masah is permitted on any amount of tear on a Khuff in which the exposure of the foot is less than the measure of three toes, performing Masah on the measure of a tear which is one toe only is acceptable as it is within this limit.
Only Allah knows best
Written by Aalimah Saleha Bukhari Islam
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham
[1] ولا يجوز المسح على خف فيه خرق كبير يبين منه مقدار ثلاث أصابع من أصابع الرجل وإن كان أقل من ذلك جاز
ص17 – كتاب مختصر القدوري – باب المسح على الخفين – المكتبة الشاملة
(وفرض ذلك) المسح (مقدار ثلاث أصابع من أصغر أصابع اليد) طولاً وعرضاً، وقال الكرخي: من أصابع الرجل، والأول أصح اعتباراً لآلة المسح، هداية.
ص38 – اللباب في شرح الكتاب – باب المسح على الخفين – المكتبة الشاملة